How to limit maximum order price for cash on delivery?

How to limit maximum order price for cash on delivery?

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How can I limit the maximum order price on cash on delivery? I am getting fake orders of billions of rupees (PKR). How can I limit a user to order under a certain price limit?

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
1266 165 244

Hi @MuhammadTalha0 hope you are using shopify's default Advanced Cash on Delivery app for your COD services.


If yes then please follow the steps so that you can add the price limit in the COD order.

  1. Login in shopify admin.
  2. Click on the Apps.
  3. Then click on the Advanced Cash on Delivery app .
  4. Then there will be option add the price limit.



If you need any assistance please feel free to ask me the same.


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1 0 0

Here I'm using the Advance Cash on Delivery App, I applied the price range, but I still received the COD option , why it is ??

Shopify Partner
314 24 65

Hello @MuhammadTalha0 


It is possible using our app Releasit Cash On Delivery


With the app you can disable COD if the order total is above a certain limit.


You can install our app Releasit Cash On Delivery for free from the Shopify App Store here: 


After you install it you can go on the Limit COD page and you will find here the option to disable COD if the order has discounts:



We also offer 24/7 support and the app works with all Shopify plans, so if you need any help feel free to contact us from there!


I hope this helps you, if this answers your question please Accept it as a solution


Marco from Releasit

Install Releasit Cash On Delivery for free here:
Add a fee to Cash on Delivery and limit COD based on any condition (order total, location, products, collections, etc.)

50 2 0

You can limit the maximum order price for Cash on Delivery (COD) using the PayRules: Hide Payment Methods app. For instance, you can set a limit of 10,000 PKR for COD. When the order amount exceeds 10,000 PKR, the COD option will be hidden at the checkout page. Here are the steps to set this up:


  1. Choose Cash on Delivery from the Select payment methods field.
  2. Set the Max (maximum) amount 10000 in the Cart subtotal field like the screenshot below.




Now, if the customer's order subtotal exceeds 10,000 PKR, they will not see the COD payment option on the checkout page.