How to remove shipping option from product with variants

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Can you please tell me how to remove the shipping info and option from my product and checkout.

It seems that as soon as you use ‘variants’ on your product page, the option to declare that it is not a ‘physical product’ disappears.

Is there a way to keep my variants and still have the option to mark it as ‘not a physical product’ because it is confusing the hell out of my customers when the listing declares it not to be a physical product, but then they are still asked for all their shipping info at checkout. 

Replies 2 (2)

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I am facing this issue as well with debut theme. ‘Physical Product’ option disappears as soon as I save the changes adding product variants.

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here are my findings:

  • go to Product page
  • select/edit the Product (with variants) you want to remove the shipping option from.
  • in Product edit page, go to 'Variants' section.
  • click on the Edit button of Product variant (there will be 'Edit' button for each variant. You can click any of them).
  • in the next page, scroll down to see 'Shipping' section where you can choose to uncheck 'This is a physical product' option. This is something you may need to do for each variant of the product. In the same page you have 'Variants' section where you can select the variant to modify its Shipping option.

In my opinion this is still a lengthy & time consuming process. I am still trying to figure out the best possible way.

Please note,

  • if you want to mark the entire Product as 'not a Physical product' & not just a specific variant of it, then uncheck the 'This is a physical product' option in 'Shipping' section first and then add variants.
  • If you have already added the variants then follow the above steps or delete all the variants to make the 'Shipping' section visible again in Product edit page.

Let me know if it helps.