Re: How to set specific shipping for a collection

How to set specific shipping for a collection

4 0 1

How to set specific shipping for a collection?



thanks a lot.

Replies 29 (29)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
450 56 90

Hey there @Dardanberlin!


Ryder here, from the Social Care Team at Shopify. Thanks for posting! We've recently introduced our Shipping profiles which is currently in beta, and are in the process of releasing it to all our merchants this Fall.


If you already have the Shipping profiles feature in your Settings > Shipping, you'll know because it'll look like this: 



With Shipping profiles, you aren't able to set specific shipping ranges for an entire collection; however, you can set them for multiple products. Once you're in your Shipping settings, you can click Create new profile in the top right corner of your Shipping profiles. You can name this profile your Collection name to make it easier for you to distinguish.


In the Products section, you'll be able to search for products to include in this profile. You can then confirm or update the shipping origin address and create shipping zones for the countries you're shipping to and what rates you want to charge. Here you'll be able to offer a flat rate, or create conditions for rates to display based on the customer order's weight or pricing. Each shipping zone (countries or regions) can be set to have their own rates. Once you've made the changes, don't forget to click Save! You can then test the new settings in your storefront by adding the products into your cart and including an address within your set region in the checkout. You should see your new rates displayed on the Shipping page of the checkout.


I know there's quite a bit of information here, so please let me know if I can clarify anything!



To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 0

I was looking for similar requirements and was reading about the new Shipping profile feature.  Its currently not activated for my shop, but is there a way for @Ryder to activate it specifically for a shop?

Shopify Staff (Retired)
450 56 90

Hey there, @Jackie_Chung!


We don't normally have a way to activate the Shipping Profiles before it's automatically rolled out to all our merchants this fall. That being said, I'd be happy to check with our Shipping Profiles Team to see if there's anything that can be done. I've gone ahead and emailed you at the email address associated to your Community Forums account to verify your Shopify store account. If you can please respond to it from the correct email address associated to your store I'll be able to access your account and touch base with the team. 


Looking forward to hearing from you soon.



To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 2

Hi, I've mixed of shippable products and self-collection products. So I've setup various shipping profile for them. But when a customer added both shippable and non-shippable products into a cart. The self-collection has been overwritten to free shipping which is incorrect. How do I default the entire order to self-collection when there's a mixed of products?



Shopify Partner
165 8 60

Hi @fakenylon 


Unfortunately, Shopify only offers two methods to their rates blending at the moment: 

1.  Shipping methods of the same name will be blended together.

2. Cheapest shipping method from each profile is blended


If you're open to using a third-party app, Intuitive Shipping can definitely solve this problem for you with our advanced blending system.  You can create separate scenarios for each product type (similar to profiles), then choose the proper blending method for the cart.  You can also add conditions to further refine which methods will appear based on defined criteria such as if Collection A is in the cart then do not return Same-Day Delivery.


Let me know if you have any questions.




Co-Founder / CTO @ Intuitive Shipping Inc.
Intuitive Shipping | Automate Shipping Profiles
Shopify Staff (Retired)
450 56 90

Hey there, @fakenylon!

Great question! As @Joel-Reeds mentioned, if your shipping rates are under the same name, they'd be added together and shown to the customer at checkout - even if they're in different shipping profiles. For example, with the name "Standard shipping" here:


If your rates have different names, then the cheapest options would be added together and shown at the checkout:


In this example, Standard shipping and Basic shipping are the cheapest options, so they've been combined to offer "Shipping - $5" at checkout. Do you currently have free shipping offered in all your shipping profiles? 

Another thing I'm interested in clarifying with you is what you mean by "self-collection" products. Are you selling services or digital downloadable, or just products products that don't require shipping? 

If you have products that will never require shipping, you can simply uncheck the "This is a physical product" box on any product page:


If you have several products like this, you can also use the Bulk Editor by going to the Products section of your Admin and selecting the applicable products (or all products) and clicking "Edit products" at the top:


In the "Add fields" drop down, you can then select "Requires shipping" under "Shipping", which will populate a new column. You can then go down the list and uncheck any products that you don't ship out:


Any products that have "This is a physical product" or "Requires shipping" unchecked will not display rates at checkout - if they're alone in the cart. If there are other products in the cart, a shipping rate will be displayed based on the shipping profile conditions.

If these "self-collection" products are sometimes shipped, then you'll want to setup price-based shipping rates for those products specifically. You can title it "LOCAL PICK-UP ONLY", and charge free-shipping. It sounds like this might be what you currently have setup, is that right? If your customer does have additional products in their cart, then the free option will be combined at checkout with the cheapest option of any other product shipping rates. Alternatively, you can look at using the Store Pickup Click and Collect app.

What confuses me is that your rates are displaying as free shipping as a result of the combined option. Are the shippable products you're referring to in shipping profiles with free shipping as an option as well? If so, it sounds like the two free rates might be combining. If you have a third-party shipping app installed, this can also effect what rates are displayed at checkout. 

I'd be happy to take a deeper look into your Shipping Settings for you and see if we can set them up in a way that works appropriately for your business. I've gone ahead and sent you an email to your Community Forums email address, if this is the same email address you use for your Shopify store then you can simply respond and I'll be able to authenticate you and access your account. If you use a different email address, you can CC the correct email address and reply to the thread through there.

I hope this information helps, and I hope to hear from you soon!


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 5

The original question was about adding a whole collection to a shipping profile. However, the answer seems to have been to search for each product. Is there a way to actually add a whole collection? I am working on a store that has over 300 products and about 20 variations per product so it would take forever to select every single product I need for the shipping profile

Shopify Partner
165 8 60

Hey @AjayP,


If you're open to using an app to expedite this process for you, our app Automate Shipping Profiles will do what you're looking for.


The app allows you to create a set of conditions for each profile (e.g. Collection > Equals >Shirts).  Once all of your profile conditions are in place, you can run a bulk update for all your existing products.  The system will assign the various product variants to their corresponding profile based on the defined criteria.

All newly added products, as well as updated products, will be automatically processed through our system to ensure your product catalog is always assigned to the correct profiles.


Let me know if you have any questions.


Co-Founder / CTO @ Intuitive Shipping Inc.
Intuitive Shipping | Automate Shipping Profiles
11 1 7

Not sure, yet, if it's doing what I'm looking for. I want a group of products (a collection based on a keyword in each product's title) to have a different shipping profile from all other products with no overlap. 

Do you offer a free plan or a trial period for Automate Shipping Profiles ?

3 0 3

Love your app but yet another $10 a month for something as simple as adding a collection to a profile that should be handled by Shopify. Another money grab by shopify.


17 0 2

Hi Ryder


When I click on manage product the list in the pop up does not have all my product, is there a way to correct this ?

Shopify Staff (Retired)
450 56 90

Hey, @Woodley25!

Are you able to clarify what pop-up you're referring to? Are you having trouble with selecting all your products to edit them in the Bulk Editor? 

If so, you'll need to first go to your Admin > Products page and select all 50 products on the first page by checking off the checkbox at the top. Then click the Select all 50+ products in your store hyperlink:



This should then select all the products you have uploaded to your store, and will show that All 50+ products in your store are selected, like this:



From there, you can click the Edit products button to make your way over to the Bulk Editor

Does this help to answer your question? If not, might you be able to please elaborate or provide screenshots to help me understand what step you're having difficulty with?


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 3

Is there a way to set the shipping for a collection now? This thread is over a year old. 

Thank you

Shopify Partner
165 8 60

Hey @Tomlyn,


Have you given Profiles a look?  You can assign all of the items from a collection into a separate Shipping Profile, then have the rest of your items in the General Profile.

If a customer purchases an item from the Collection profile and an item from the General Profile, Shopify will add the costs together.

Co-Founder / CTO @ Intuitive Shipping Inc.
Intuitive Shipping | Automate Shipping Profiles
Shopify Partner
3 1 4

Hi @Joel-Reeds you can assign all the items of the collection. This is the problem. You can not assign a collection itself.
Some sellers have thousands of products and picking products by hand sounds like a bad joke to me.
Sometimes I have a feeling that Shopify leaves flaws intentionally, so the shopify apps community won't die out.

Another problem is that a lot of sellers want to ship from different locations without summing the shipping costs together, and also not summing shipping rates together.

For example: If you sell something big like a couch and something small like a towel together. You can just put the towel into the same box with the couch. Why adding the costs together? 
You could say "just make free shipping for towels based on price, because a couch is definitely expensive enough to trigger it", but it was just a single example. It doesn't always work like that.

Best regards,
Maksims Kuznecovs

Fullstack Web Dev | Latori GmbH Shopify Plus Partner Agency
1 0 5

Hi Ryder

We have a collection with thousands of products in it.  Adding each item to the shipping option manually would take days.

Any suggestions around this?



7 0 6

We agree! This seems like such a basic feature - I'm shocked shopify doesn't have it.


Shopify Partner
13 0 23

Also collections change all the time and some are created dynamically (I'd rather not go into that here), so I have to constantly update the shipping rate every time a new product comes online, which is error prone and just isn't tenable. Simply being able to select a collection not only solves a lot of problems is kind of mind boggling that it would be overlooked. I agree with the above user, these "misses" seem like they must be on purpose.


Not I'm not opposed to using an app, the problem is every time I look into an app that has anything to do with shipping it screws some other app I'm using up, or mostly just screws up our shipping rates and forces us to use some their party shipping rate account that gets us worse rates than we get through shopify currently and requires a TON of setup and requires an additional fee. This all a lot of work and new problems that could be solved by simply allowing us to select a collection. This is a feature that was IMMEDAITELEY obvious to us upon trying to implement shipping profiles we were super excited about it and then as soon as we tried to use it, it was clear it was all but useless for nearly every use case we had imagined.


The answer is always buy another app. But again anything that affects shipping or the cart often causes other problems or at the very least can't work with other apps that also affect the cart and shipping. So I get one custom app for that, but none of them do ALL the things we need.

2 0 8

Shopify really needs to add the ability to create a shipping profile for an entire collection. Having to manually enter a new product into the shipping profile every time a product is created is very inefficient. If it was done by collections instead of by product, we can simply add product to the collection and it will automatically be added to shipping profile.


Please update this ASAP!

2 0 0

Hello, Ryder!  We offer products that can be bought as a one-time purchase, or the customer can choose to purchase it on subscription via the ReCharge app.  We want to offer free shipping anytime someone buys on subscription.  That said, we've created a collection "Subscriptions", but see that we cannot create a profile for free shipping this way.  Can you advise how we may accomplish this otherwise?

1 0 4

This is a real problem.  Some collections I create are for local pick up only, some collections I ship all items and some collections I need for their to be a pick up or shipping options.  It's not very user friendly or feasible to have to make a change to 50+ products that I'm going to have offered in one collection.  Shipping options should be able to be managed per collection as well.  

55 0 55

@Ryder @Shopify 

It is now 2024. Is there a way to assign a Shipping Profile to a collection yet?

Let me give my situation as an example. I run a comics and games shop.


Every month I add hundreds of new products— Individual comic book issues.

My store also sells board games. As you might imagine, they ship in a dramatically differently sized box.

Does Shopify really expect me to add every single comic book manually to one Profile, and every single large box to a different one, rather than creating a Profile for all products with a particular Product Type or Collection? This needs to be resolved without a paid app.

Ian Struckhoff
The Fourth Place
139 3 46

Yes agree with this. I started selling new products which need different pricing of shipping. First there were only few products to setup but now that i am starting to add lots of products it very hard to add them also because the adding mecanism is very simple, no advanced search option possibile so you have to picup one by one . When you start to add hundreds of products you have to search each product to ad!


There have been added lots of good features the last years it is strange that  there is not such a basic feature. Why not select in the product the shipping method instead of setting the product in the shipping method?

5 0 6

It amazes me that after 3 years Shopify still hasn't implemented this into their shipping profiles. This is a no-brainer and I don't understand why every answer is a deflection and not a solution!

1 0 4

Still no option to add shipping for a collection. Very frustrating.

Shopify Partner
8 0 3

Yes I agree - it would be a very elegant solution to just be able to add a collection to a shipping profile instead of creating a manual process for site admins.

8 0 6

We need to be able to select a collection for shipping. Shopify integrates this function.

14 0 5

this is the most staggering example of gross incompetence I have ever seen. How could antyone think it's a good idea to releasem this feature without the ability to add collections? How exactly am I supposed to manually add hundreds of individual products to a profile, picked out of thousands, using the unbeleivably bad search bar provided? It's crazy.  I don't get it. Not every shopify store is a dropshipper with 5 products. 

Shopify Partner
18 0 1

This used to be possible in the past, but now Shopify has added a new shipping profile feature without including the option to select an entire collection. What are merchants supposed to do if they have thousands of products in a collection? Are they expected to select them one by one?


And what about products created on the fly? How can they be added to a shipping profile now? Before, you could simply assign these products to a collection, and they would automatically be assigned to a shipping category. Now, this isn't possible anymore! It's frustrating!