Looking for a multilingual Delivery schedule app

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I'm building a multilingual store (english and french) and I need to give the customer the option to specify the date and time of delivery that he/she wants. We are delivering fresh products so this is important.

I found many apps that can do the scheduling (https://apps.shopify.com/appjetty-delivery-date-manager, https://apps.shopify.com/on-time-delivery, https://apps.shopify.com/delivery-date-pro, and many others) but none of them are built to support more than one language per site. Many have translations and can work in english OR french, but none for both on the same site. 

Does anyone know an app that can do this?

Note : Before you suggest, no, i don't what to use google autotranslate. It's not clean and does not work well with small strings (plus it's looks very cheap to the buyer). And I don't what to edit the strings of the delivery information to be bilingual (such as "Please select the date of delivery / Svp choisir la date de livraison"), this is also cheap and borderline disrespectful to the user).

Thank you!

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