Payouts From Shopify Payments Are On Hold While We Review Your Account

Payouts From Shopify Payments Are On Hold While We Review Your Account

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Right in the middle of the month when I'm getting constant sales?


They have frozen my payouts right in the middle of the month now I can’t do anything and I have bills to pay. I reached out to support and they said they sent an email, which of course I didn't receive. If they’re doing a review they need to get on it ASAP.  I've been on this platform for a year now and this has never happened to me, I don't know why you need to review the account now. when you can just do it at the beginning when I opened my account? 


I tried to contact the support group, and guess what? nothing worked, they all sound like robots and no one can do anything apparently when they are the ones that put the restriction in the first place, cause that makes a lot of sense. 

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