
Paypal checkout is still processing this order's payment

6 0 4

I keep getting this error for an order," PayPal Express Checkout is still processing this order's payment. To make sure you get paid, wait for the payment to be successful before fulfilling this order. " I just set up the paypal and I don't see the order there and it didn't process here on shopify. Any help?



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Accepted Solution (1)
3 1 26

This is an accepted solution.




So I got in touch with both PayPal and Shopify over Twitter - after some back and forth, here is how the issue (at least my type of issue) was resolved. 


When I set up my store and made my products live it was automatically linked to my website's email address (We'll call this Brass Neck Email). After I had 2 orders through, I realised I had not linked this to my PayPal account that was my own email (We'll call that Andrew Email) 

So what happened was; 2 of my items were bought on my shop and the money was automatically sent to Brass Neck Email, which a paypal account did not exist for. After these orders were placed, I linked my shop to my own Andrew Email and then proceeded to fulfill and take payment for orders - all the while the two payments to Brass Neck Email were pending, unfulfilled and I had no money. 


This was fairly simple - I went onto my own paypal (Andrew Email) account > Settings > Account Settings > Email Addresses > Update > Clicked "+" to add my shop email (Brass Neck Email). I then hopped onto my Brass Neck Email account to verify the email address. 

From there my unfulfilled orders and money showed up on my own Paypal. These were waiting "in limbo" for me and were instantly available to withdraw the money and transfer into my bank account.


Hope this helps you! If not - both the Shopify Support and PayPal Support twitter pages were extremely helpful and clear with what was needed! 


View solution in original post

Replies 40 (40)

3 0 10

Hi, did you solve this? 

We have same issue with pending payment.


3 1 26

Hi there, 


I am also having this issue - it has been over 3 weeks since the orders were placed and I've yet to receive the money from the purchase 

3 0 10

Ive contacted both Shopify and Paypal and not got any good answer yet. They are texting me:
Shopify: We dont know why this is happening, concact Paypal
Paypal: Well, there is no transaction so we cant see it.

So...pls help is someone else know anything about this.

1 0 0

Anyone have any information yet. I have not shipped the product because I assumed the customer cancelled right after payment, but now it’s concerning , I need to resolve before I ship out and lose money

1 0 0

That's exactly what's happening to me. I keep getting passed around by Paypal and shopify. 

3 1 26

This is an accepted solution.




So I got in touch with both PayPal and Shopify over Twitter - after some back and forth, here is how the issue (at least my type of issue) was resolved. 


When I set up my store and made my products live it was automatically linked to my website's email address (We'll call this Brass Neck Email). After I had 2 orders through, I realised I had not linked this to my PayPal account that was my own email (We'll call that Andrew Email) 

So what happened was; 2 of my items were bought on my shop and the money was automatically sent to Brass Neck Email, which a paypal account did not exist for. After these orders were placed, I linked my shop to my own Andrew Email and then proceeded to fulfill and take payment for orders - all the while the two payments to Brass Neck Email were pending, unfulfilled and I had no money. 


This was fairly simple - I went onto my own paypal (Andrew Email) account > Settings > Account Settings > Email Addresses > Update > Clicked "+" to add my shop email (Brass Neck Email). I then hopped onto my Brass Neck Email account to verify the email address. 

From there my unfulfilled orders and money showed up on my own Paypal. These were waiting "in limbo" for me and were instantly available to withdraw the money and transfer into my bank account.


Hope this helps you! If not - both the Shopify Support and PayPal Support twitter pages were extremely helpful and clear with what was needed! 

1 0 1

I followed your instructions, how long did it take to see the orders on you account?

1 0 0

this is the response I received from paypal "

I completely understand your concern that you wish to know about your pending Shopify payment.  
Upon reviewing your PayPal account, I can see that this Shopify payment is in unclaimed state. It appears that you might have chosen to hide my email address option When you have logged in your PayPal account using your apple device. So, this has generated a random email address. So, the payment was sent to a random email address. In this case, you can cancel the payment to Shopify and inform the sender the refund can take up to 30 business days. Please make sure to avoid this option to your feature payments. Thank you.

Thanks for reaching out to us!  I just ended up mailing my customer the products

1 0 1

How long did it take for everything to update?

1 0 0

How long did your stuff take to show up?  I did these steps and nothing is still showing for me :(.

3 1 26

My orders has been sitting for 3+ weeks so I the second I changed the settings to make sure they were correct I was able to withdraw my funds!

I'd really recommend getting in touch via twitter with either accounts I mentioned above  purely because they dealt with it so well! I'm unsure why your orders arent coming through based on what my issue has caused me but it COULD be different reasons! 



2 0 3

I had the same issue with my shopify and paypal account after switching email/paypal account to a newly created paypal account. I followed the suggestion provided above but couldn't add additional email address on my new paypal account, at the same time, I realized that the email address on my new paypal account was not verified, so I verified the email address on my new paypal account and the pending amount showed up to my new paypal account right away, and the order showed as "Paid" on shopify account too. 

Hope this helps. 

2 0 5

I followed the steps you mentioned above and once I verified my email address and refreshed, the pending payments came through. Thanks!

1 0 0

this works. thanks 

10 0 7

Thanks so much, this worked!

1 0 0

Thanks Andrew, that was the fix. the problem was pretty much the same, and I had to actually add my registration account email address as a receiving paypal address in my paypal account. thank you so much, that was ingenious.

I'd like to take this opportunity to invite all the community to visit my online store:

Thanks again !

1 0 0

This was extremely helpful! Thank you!!!

1 0 0

OMG THANK YOU! Your steps worked I was so stressed out but I fixed it!

1 0 0

This has helped a lot!!! Thank you so much for this!!!

1 0 0

Andrewbrassneck,  yes this worked for me. Funds appeared instantly in Paypal account after I verified the message sent to my inbox. Thankyou.

1 0 0

Thank you very much Andrew, it works 😉

You forgot one last step that is making the new email the primary one, after that funds are shown instantly.


Thanks again!



1 0 0

I'm having the same issue! I have connected the shopify email to paypal and confirmed and made it to the primary email, but the funds still won't show up on my paypal account. 

1 0 0

This was so helpful! Thank you for the step by step! This solved this immediately for me. If it wasn't for your comment I would still be searching answers so big thanks! 

2 0 0

Dude!!!! Thank you so much...... its too bad none of this info is put into shopify help.   I was dreading trying to get ahold of shopify to figure out what happened.   It is quite simple and makes sense.   And once confirmed,  all the payment holds cleared for us.... worked like a charm.    For us,  just in case I had added a couple email addresses associated with the shopify account.   there was the one that the shopify account logs in with,  plus the one that is in the general profile (most people have the same and dont change it).  I dont know which one the money was sent to,  I just added them both and Voila!

1 0 0

Can confirm linking my store email to my personal Paypal indeed worked!

1 0 0

THANK YOU. THIS WORKED!!! @everyone do this... whatever your old Shopify email is or past emails, add them to your paypal!

6 0 1

I just made sure my primary email was verified and it worked! Thank you so much

2 0 0

Thank you so much. It was instant that the funds came through after verifying the account. 

1 0 0

thanks G


1 0 0

This worked! The payment was paid immediately and in my PayPal balance. Thank you!

1 0 0

This email stuff got it to work for me. There is now a "capture payment" button. I checked them both in my order lists and clicked the "capture payments" at the bottom!

1 0 0

OMG, Thank you so much! You were right, I just had different emails for PayPal and Shopify. All you have to do is add your Shopify email to your PayPal (you can have up to 8 on a business account)

1 0 0

Thank you so much. Worked for me as soon as I added the email that was linked to Shopify at the moment of the purchase

1 0 0

Adding the store email made the payment appear 👍


But…I got this message from PayPal about a hold:


We've placed the money on hold because we noticed that the payment was sent to an email that wasn't associated with your PayPal account. The money has been added to your on hold balance. There's no need for you to do anything and as long as no claims are raised by the buyer, the funds will be automatically released in 21 days.”


I’ll keep you all posted🤞

1 0 0

I just did this and it worked. Although there is a new path to get to this in the settings 

Profile icon > Account settings > Account Owner information > "Update" Email > Add New > (Add the email you created your shopify store with). 

1 0 0

Fixed! I also had the same problem, I waited a few days for it process with no luck. Similar to the other reply below about the emails. My email for PayPal that was linked to my Shopify account was not confirmed. Once I sent the confirmation email from the PayPal dashboard and confirmed in my email, the payment went through immediately, all I had to do was click refresh! I hope this helps! 

1 0 1



In this case you have to make sure your Paypal account is connected and that you've verified your email address. 


Log into your Shopify account

Scroll down and go to settings > Payments

Scroll down and ensure that the connected account's paypal has been verified and that it matches the one you logged in with.


I guess in the setup process I never confirmed my business' paypal account. Once I did that the money was deposited in minutes. 


28 0 11

This worked for me! Thank you!

2 0 1

If you are having this issue do the following:

- Make sure your shopify email is the same as your paypal email.

if not, change add your shopify email, make it your primary account and make sure it is confirmed/verified on paypal

- if you've done that and it still doesn't work, call paypal customer service and speak to them, they'll put you through.

2 0 0

This works! The money came through a few minutes after I linked the email address. Thank you, Andrew!