Pintful shipping

Pintful shipping

49 0 11



I'm currently setting up shipping in my shopify store. I use printful as my POD provider and they have specific rate that I cant have directly on my shopify store. How can I use the printfull rates on my shop? I dont want to overcharge my customer. Thanks!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
22 0 5

Hi @bobylands,
How complicated are those Printful shipping rates? Are they listed here?
Those kind of rates can be easily configured with our Calcurates app and its powerful Table Rates feature. Our team is happy serve you with a free initial app setup.

Co-founder & CEO at Calcurates. Accurate shipping rates and unique shipping rules for Shopify made simple.
Apps: Calcurates: Accurate Shipping | Calcurates: Estimated Shipping