Problem with prepaid shipping and COD How can I link specific payment methods to shipping

Problem with prepaid shipping and COD How can I link specific payment methods to shipping

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At checkout after the customer enters his personal details the customer is prompted to select shipping method in the next step


here I offer two shipping methods:

1. Free Shipping (Prepaid orders only)

2. Cash on Delivery (COD)

if the customer selects COD..only COD should be shown at final payment method

if customer selects Prepaid..only PayU (my payment gateway) should be shown at the final step

regardless of which shipping method I select, both COD and Prepaid payment options are showing up at final step of my store

How can I fix it?


I want

ONLY Cash on delivery payment  to show when cash on delivery shipping method is selected


ONLY PayU (My prepaid payment gateway) payment to show when prepaid shipping method is selected

Replies 2 (2)

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408 25 71



You need to use an app for this. Our app Paymix offers this functionality to hide payment methods based on the selected shipping methods. You can install the app here and reach out to the customer support for help. 

Automate & bulk assign products to shipping profile: Auto Shipping Profiles: Shipr
Calculate accurate shipping rates: Shipping Calculator: ShipMagic
Hide, rename, reorder payment methods at checkout: Payment Customization: PayMix

Shopify Partner
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You can link specific payment methods to shipping options using the PayRules: Hide Payment Methods app. Here's how you can do it:


Create a rule for COD:

  1. Choose "Cash on Delivery (COD)" from the "Select payment methods" field.
  2. In the "Shipping/delivery titles" field, select "Hide if not found" and enter "Cash on Delivery (COD)".

Create a rule for Prepaid:

  1. Add "PayU" in the "Additional payment methods" field.
  2. In the "Shipping/delivery titles" field, select "Hide if not found" and enter "Free Shipping".



This will ensure that only the relevant payment method is shown based on the selected shipping option.