Process apple pay payment via /admin/checkouts/{checkoutToken}/payments.json in rest admin api

Process apple pay payment via /admin/checkouts/{checkoutToken}/payments.json in rest admin api

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

Hello all,


I have build an Sales Channel App.


I have implemented Shopify Sales Channel Checkout via Card Vault successfully and now want to collect payment from apple pay, for that I am following this link Shopify Stripe checkout .

I have a token which I send to admin/payments.json admin rest api but I am not able to get order id.



  1. Displaying Apple pay in frontend and getting the token and sending it to Backend (Laravel).
  2. Create checkout with email, line items, shipping and billing information from /admin/checkouts.json. (get Checkout Token {checkoutToken} from this api to poll for order id later) 
  3. Passing the token to admin/checkouts/{checkoutToken}.json (Payments Resource)
  4. Polling admin/checkouts/{checkoutToken}.json for order data


My guess is In shopify checkout via Shopify Sales Channel Checkout via Card Vault I get "credit_card" data in payment.json response but  via apple pay Shopify Stripe checkout "credit_card" is empty (pasted the response code)


I also do polling on admin/checkouts/{checkoutToken}.json api but still  get empty order object


Any help will be useful. Thanks in advance!


This is the response from payments.json where i pass the stripe token. The "credit_card" key is empty









[2023-07-10 18:00:59] lumen.INFO: Array
    [id] => 3636231077986
    [unique_token] => 340903875a1f6c00adafca0a4
    [payment_processing_error_message] => 
    [next_action] => stdClass Object
            [redirect_url] => 

    [fraudulent] => 
    [transaction] => 
    [credit_card] => 
    [checkout] => stdClass Object
            [completed_at] => 
            [created_at] => 2023-07-10T14:00:59-04:00
            [currency] => USD
            [presentment_currency] => USD
            [customer_id] => 3000884133986
            [customer_locale] => en
            [device_id] => 
            [discount_code] => 
            [discount_codes] => Array

            [email] =>
            [legal_notice_url] => 
            [location_id] => 
            [name] => #31467464327266
            [note] => 
            [note_attributes] => Array

            [order_id] => 
            [order_status_url] => 
            [order] => 
            [payment_due] => 2.30
            [payment_url] =>
            [payments] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 3636231077986
                            [unique_token] => 340903875a1f6c00adafca0a4
                            [payment_processing_error_message] => 
                            [fraudulent] => 
                            [transaction] => 
                            [credit_card] => 


            [phone] => 
            [shopify_payments_account_id] => acct_1GY35QLhSr6
            [privacy_policy_url] => 
            [refund_policy_url] => 
            [requires_shipping] => 1
            [reservation_time_left] => 0
            [reservation_time] => 
            [source_identifier] => 
            [source_name] => 3672503
            [source_url] => 
            [subscription_policy_url] => 
            [subtotal_price] => 2.29
            [shipping_policy_url] => 
            [tax_exempt] => 
            [taxes_included] => 
            [terms_of_sale_url] => 
            [terms_of_service_url] => 
            [token] => f00206500aa9480048550c860
            [total_price] => 2.30
            [total_tax] => 0.00
            [total_tip_received] => 0.00
            [total_line_items_price] => 2.29
            [updated_at] => 2023-07-10T14:00:59-04:00
            [user_id] => 
            [web_url] =>
            [line_items] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 68852889f879f17b6d914532cc9dd853
                            [key] => 68852889f879f17b6d914532cc9dd853
                            [product_id] => 4395827298402
                            [variant_id] => 31495264960610
                            [sku] => 31
                            [vendor] => example
                            [title] => KN95 mask
                            [variant_title] => 
                            [image_url] =>
                            [taxable] => 1
                            [requires_shipping] => 1
                            [gift_card] => 
                            [price] => 2.29
                            [compare_at_price] => 
                            [line_price] => 2.29
                            [properties] => Array

                            [quantity] => 1
                            [grams] => 0
                            [fulfillment_service] => manual
                            [applied_discounts] => Array

                            [discount_allocations] => Array

                            [tax_lines] => Array



            [gift_cards] => Array

            [tax_lines] => Array

            [tax_manipulations] => Array

            [shipping_line] => stdClass Object
                    [handle] => shopify-Standard-0.01
                    [price] => 0.01
                    [title] => Standard
                    [tax_lines] => Array


            [shipping_rate] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => shopify-Standard-0.01
                    [price] => 0.01
                    [title] => Standard

            [shipping_address] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 13080718999650
                    [first_name] => AB
                    [last_name] => XY
                    [phone] => 1111111111
                    [company] => 
                    [address1] => 2 road
                    [address2] => 
                    [city] => Montclair
                    [province] => New Jersey
                    [province_code] => NJ
                    [country] => United States
                    [country_code] => US
                    [zip] => 07043

            [credit_card] => 
            [billing_address] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 13080718999650
                    [first_name] => AB
                    [last_name] => XY
                    [phone] => 1111111111
                    [company] => 
                    [address1] => 2 road
                    [address2] => 
                    [city] => Montclair
                    [province] => New Jersey
                    [province_code] => NJ
                    [country] => United States
                    [country_code] => US
                    [zip] => 07043

            [applied_discount] => 
            [applied_discounts] => Array

            [discount_violations] => Array












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