Re: Questions about default packaging size and shipping rates?

Questions about default packaging size and shipping rates?

6 0 17

Hi there! I have 3 different sized boxes I use for shipping; small box for 1 item, medium box for 2-4 items, and large box for 5+ items. These boxes are all different sizes so that's important for shipping rates! I noticed I've been undercharging for shipping on orders with medium or large boxes because my default box was the smaller size and I want to be able to fix that!

Is there any app or anyway to set it up so that if someone orders x amount of items, they get a certain size box automatically? 

Thank you so much in advance!

Replies 121 (121)

Shopify Staff
911 87 227

Hey, @chloevdb!


Lulu here from the Shopify Support team. Thanks for reaching out here, and I'll be more than happy to help you out.


While there isn't yet a way to directly apply package weights to products in the Shopify admin, there are a few workarounds available. While an app like Boxify would allow you to assign different packages to certain products, it does come at an extra cost. There is a 15-day free trial though so you can give it a go and see what you think.


The other (free) option would be to set your default package weight to 0.0 and add the package weight to the total weight of your products. For this to work, first, weigh out the medium and the large box. Next, open the bulk editor tool in your 'Products' tab, and add the proper additional weights to the products that use that specific packaging. This will ensure that the live rates pulled at your checkout will be accurate to the total weight of the order. 


You can try out both options and see which suits you best. I've also passed your feature request along to our developers for consideration. There is never a guarantee that the feature request will get a green light but the more requests they hear from our community, the more informed they will be when determining which features to develop next.


I hope this helps but please let me know if you need anything else at all.


Kind regards,


Lulu | Social Care @ Shopify
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1 0 51

I appreciate the work-around suggestion but since shipping is a dimensional-weight calculation, the size of the box really does matter, not just the weight. This is such a basic feature and so many of us need it without paying extra for an app! Please provide basic functionality!

3 0 32

I'm having the same issue. I have just a few products that are much larger than the majority of items I sell. If I use the default package size that suits the vast majority of my products, I will grossly underestimate the shipping fees for these few much larger items. If I change the default to the biggest size package I need then shipping will be way too expensive for everything else I sell. I need to set the default shipping box size and then change it for the items that need specific sizes. It would be even better to be able to have specific shipping profiles that could be assigned based on tags or some other inventory identifier. This is a basic online store function that should be available for standard use. 


3 0 30

Agreed! Glad to see I'm not the only one still dealing with this issue in 2020, but I'm frustrated to see ANYONE is still dealing with this issue at all because it's such a basic feature that should just be available to all shopify users in the first place. I sell painted rocks, canvas paintings and framed drawings that are all vastly different sizes from one another, thus requiring a variety of different sized boxes for shipping (and different shipping rates relative to size). I didn't think this was a problem at first, since shopify lets you add multiple box sizes under "saved packages" in the shipping and delivery settings. But I soon realized this feature was pointless, because it only allows you to select the correct package size for your sold item when creating a shipping label for it, which is AFTER the customer has already paid the shipping rate for the "default" package size. Shopify claims that it'll calculate shipping rates for sold products by taking the dimensions and determining which "saved package" it'll fit into, but I don't see how that's true since it only ever charges the customer for the shipping rate of the "default" package size, regardless of the dimensions of the product being much larger than that of the default box. Completely disregarding the dimensions of the product, it just generates the rate for the default package size, and only charges the customer that rate for shipping. So they only pay like $9 for shipping, and then when I go to select the correct box size I need when creating the shipping, I end up having to make up the difference of the higher shipping rate for the larger box out of pocket. I just don't understand why it can't determine the correct box size to use, and charge the customer the appropriate shipping rate in the first place. Instead, I'm just losing money having to make up this difference myself. Extremely frustrating.

1 0 10

This doesn't sound like it works for a business like mine, where we have multiples of products added to one box. If package weights could be added and determined by and "If...Then..." feature PER order, that would help, e.g. "IF an order has any product that is product type VINYL, THEN 8 oz. is added." "IF an order is only CDs THEN 2 oz. for CD packaging is added." We use Shipstation for labels and it has features to help with this but they have lately been malfunctioning, and it would be amazing if this were already taken care of via our actual online store platform.

2 0 8

@Lulu wrote:

Hey, @chloevdb!


Lulu here from the Shopify Support team. Thanks for reaching out here, and I'll be more than happy to help you out.


While there isn't yet a way to directly apply package weights to products in the Shopify admin, there are a few workarounds available. While an app like Boxify would allow you to assign different packages to certain products, it does come at an extra cost. There is a 15-day free trial though so you can give it a go and see what you think.


The other (free) option would be to set your default package weight to 0.0 and add the package weight to the total weight of your products. For this to work, first, weigh out the medium and the large box. Next, open the bulk editor tool in your 'Products' tab, and add the proper additional weights to the products that use that specific packaging. This will ensure that the live rates pulled at your checkout will be accurate to the total weight of the order. 


You can try out both options and see which suits you best. I've also passed your feature request along to our developers for consideration. There is never a guarantee that the feature request will get a green light but the more requests they hear from our community, the more informed they will be when determining which features to develop next.


I hope this helps but please let me know if you need anything else at all.


Kind regards,


this is the incorrect answer.  for flat rate shipping, there are no weight limits per size constraints.

for my business I sell 1 item every 2-3 months so purchasing of an add on app at $30 dollars a month is utter nonsense and straight ludicrous.  I left squarespace to join...they have their limitations on taxation which caused me to join shopify, but I now see that your platform is all about selling apps that have a monthly fee.  for me my online store is a hobby, this type of business model helps absolutely nobody.

at least their response is, sorry we don't currently offer that, but we have added it to our feature requests list.  for you guys, your answer this monthly subscription app so we can make money on the backend for something we care not to add because we care more about money than delivering a product that works.

2 0 8

a workaround for any of you who are still looking to do this.  you'll need to specify weight ranges for your products and setup conditions and rules as so the system can appropriately link the correct shipping rate rule.

i am still working on it myself but i'm sure this is the only way to accomplish this without buying an app.

2 0 10

Hey Lulu. Bumping this once again. It's such a basic feature it's just nonsense you guys can't implement that. Honestly you guys are lucky enough to have a captive market

10 0 16


Same issue. Almost everything I sell either ships in a 6" box or a 55" tube. The shipping discrepancies are enormous for international shipments. The difference between a 47" tall package and a 48" tall package shipped international is over $50.


PLEASE add a option to specify package dimensions when adding a product. Please.



6 0 7

I'm throwing my hat into this circus ring as well. I use boxes from 6" (0.1 oz) to 36" (18 lbs 8 oz) and I'm losing my shirt on shipping costs with Shopify. Without the ability to assign sizing dimensions,  ALONG WITH the weight, my shipping charges are far lower than the actual cost. 

At the very least, Lulu/Shopify - allow us to enter a fixed shipping price for each item (like eBay) since the Shopify calculation is too simplistic to be of practical business value. This issue is keeping me from scaling certain product lines because I can't protect my margins due to this shipping problem. I'm sure others here are experiencing the same issue.

2 0 3

Same boat here, I have a standard shipping box that is under 12"s and holds 4 products when someone orders 5 products I need a 15" box so the rate is about $9-13 more and the customer isn't charge because it is still charging the customer as a 12" box. Easy way would be for them to allow Example (1-4 products ships in box A 12" box, 5-7 products ships in box B 15" box, 8-12 products ships in box C 21" box) This would at least give some increase so we are not loosing on larger sales. Post office is getting picky about putting in wrong measurements Shopify makes enough that they should create a free application yes FREE for us.

1 0 5

I sell two main types of products: bag hardware (zippers, zipper pulls, strap connectors, etc) and vinyl for bagmaking (sold by the yard, 36"x54"). The difference in package size is my hardware ships in 9x6 bubble mailers, and my vinyls ship in 40x4x4 boxes. Average cost of bubble mailers is $3-8, average cost of the boxes are $15-60. Weight contributes, sure, but so does the package SIZE. If I default my smallest size to avoid overcharging customers, I end up having to send additional shipping cost invoices to the customers buying vinyl which they are not happy about and may request I refund their entire order which Shopify has already charged me fees on, which means I LOSE money by refunding those orders. If I set the default package size to the largest package, I end up refunding a lot of shipping (again losing money because Shopify fees were charged on the original cost not the adjusted cost), and scaring away a lot more customers who wanted to buy a $3 zipper pull and they're being quoted $15+ in shipping. Either way you cut it, I am losing a LOT of money and customers because Shopify is not adding a SIMPLE FEATURE to allow assigning default packages to specific shipping profiles. It's suuuper easy, all they need to do is move the Saved Packages into the Custom Shipping Rates section so that specific packages are assigned to specific shipping rates. Why has this not been done, with so many people asking for it and it being such a basic, necessary feature?

1 0 7

Hi Lulu,

I'm piling on here.  I just started selling and on my 3rd order in, I'm realizing this is a big problem.  Please escalate this and advocate that this be fixed.  I agree with everyone else that this is a basic feature that Shopify should be prioritizing.  I'm sure far more people are frustrated with this than have vocalized here. On behalf of my fellow Shopify sellers, please step up, take the lead here and convince your leadership (or whoever needs to green light this) that fixing this is simply good business!  Shopify needs to put their sellers first, NOT their app developers.

Thanks for listening,


3 0 10

The fact that almost 2 years later there is no answers is ridiculous. I just sent this thread in to customer support and they said they will have their engineers know about the situation. If anyone else has not contacted customer support direct please do and link this thread so we can speed up this process. 


If/Then statements is the most basic form of coding. IF more products are added to the cart THEN a bigger box is used based on "X" variables. IF a specific product is added that is very large THEN a box that it fits in to ship is used as the default box. This is a basic elementary level problem that we should not be dealing with from the supposed leading  E-commerce platform. 

32 1 35

I am jumping on board as well, this problem is costing me money.

Come on Shopify.......

3 0 8

New here, same situation. Actually kind of shocked at the basic stuff I'm finding isn't possible.

What's the actual point of entering the boxes if you can't calculate price according to them?? 

Selling records: Box 1 fits up to X amount of records, Box 2 fits x-xx amount, Box 3 fits xxx-xxxx amt.

Easy fix. Make it happen.


1 0 5

Same problem here. Ridiculous tbh. You have multiple products with different weights. Different shipping packages yet can only set 1 default? Why can't we set packages per item? Or by weight? I've lost money as well. Shipping 3 hoodies should not cost 20$. So basic. Fix this.

18 0 19


I built websites 10+ years ago and the base requirement was dimensions and weight.

Clearly, Shopify is more interested in supporting the developer ecosystem than the users of its products.

I've had to create workarounds for local shipping but now that I'm looking at international have hit a wall again.

How old is this thread? Such poor form shopify!

Would love to see the stats of how many people are leaving the platform because of relatively easy-to-add features like this that are mandatory in running an online business.


1 0 8


Do you have any updates on this issue?  I see that this has come up many, many times over the last couple of years and appears to be very detrimental to your services.  We are pending going live while we attempt a work around for package sizing and, as others as stated, seems to be a basic feature that is much needed.

Thank you 🙂


1 0 8

Shopify is there a fix for this yet? We are trying to grow our business and both me and my customers are getting screwed over with inaccurate shipping calculations. Shipping and logistics are a basic part of e-commerce and you can't be the leading e-commerce platform without mastering shipping and logistics. We've been a paying customer since July 22, 2017 and have been an Advanced plan customer for the last 6 months. Having to consider a new platform as we grow, because there's no way I'm going to upgrade to Shopify Plus without such a basic feature available at the Advanced plan level. Adds to my frustration to see all these comments without even a response. 

2 0 2

When will this feature be available without an add on?

I looked at 5 different apps and each was at least $20 extra per month!

5 0 7

same problem here! Whenever I get an international order I lose money because it uses the wrong box size to calculate the shipping even if I have the weight correct. International shipping costs are especially susceptible to dimensions!

There needs to be a default available functionality to input the dimensions of the items so it can at least know the cubic footage of the products purchased and a minimum box size required to fit them for purposes of more realistic shipping quotes. Should be an easily programmable feature where it could even "recommend" what box size we need from our selection of pre-defined available box sizes!

53 0 12

I have now also run into this issue. I sell candles and the difference in weight and size of a one candle order versus a three candle order, especially when the former is a smaller one and the latter includes any larger candles makes a massive difference. I'm disappointed I chose Shopify as this is the second very obvious feature that should be included that I've run into this week.

32 1 35

I suggest all who are following this post start addressing Shopify directly, and also make our issue known to potential New Shopify stores. This is not an oversight, and there is no way it was done with in error.  I was warned that SHOPIFY can get expensive with all the APPs added, and I don't need many apps, but for basic shipping options to be an APP required option is WRONG.



3 0 32

Definitely contact Shopify to demand a fix for this issue! This is basic e-commerce functionality that should be a native feature for this "high-end" platform. I contacted Shopify tech support for another issue and, when tech support asked if I needed help with anything else, I asked about the status of this issue. They confirmed there was no fix and that there's no FREE third-party app to solve this problem. They also confirmed that Shopify is aware of this issue. I asked to add my name to the long list of dissatisfied customers looking for a solution from Shopify and I encourage everyone on this thread to do the same.

18 0 19

Unfortunately most reading this thread are only doing so as they have already invested in Shopify and now encountering shipping issues.

This thread is 2 years old so don't expect any change.

The standard response I get every few weeks when I want to evolve my website and reach out to Shopify is - that's a great idea, but we don't currently support that, we'll let the team know.

Shopify is great for proving your business model, but once you're in they know moving away takes too much effort.

The biggest benefit I've experienced with Shopify is the $300 insurance cover for items sent using Sendle as opposed to the $100 cover if you go direct.

Apart from that if you're looking to evolve you'll need to either load up a heap of apps in the hope they solve some of your problems or invest in custom code on a solution you don't own or control. 

Good luck to all and I'm hoping I get time soon to invest in moving on...


16 0 11

Hello Shopify, I agree this thread is important and needs attention. 

For us, we learned to use Dimensional Weight calculations paired with actual weights thus entering which came in first as our actual weight per piece.  This always worked with our previous platform and here too until we switched from the Basic plan to the Shopify plan.  Suddenly the Default Box Size seemed to be active and the driving component towards the USPS shipping rate the customer paid. 

Our first example was a 25" x 7" x 10"  box (5 pieces inside) weighing 15.0 lbs. (a US East Coast to West Cost Shipment).  Shopify allowed a customer to select a USPS rate of $9.40 (UPS quoted $23.45) for the same when we simulated the order again on our site. The actual dimensions and weight led to a charge of $54.24 vis USPS and UPS was as expected just over $23.  This started happening to us on August 18 or August 19, we had no prior mis-quotes before this date.  Similar orders as mentioned above always chose UPS which was the best rate offered as USPS was always two-fold in similar orders. I also want to mention, we never changed the "Default" box size set in Shopify since we implemented the platform around 6 months ago. On August 15th we upgraded the account to the Shopify Plan.  Maybe this is connected as is a concern?

We spoke with two Shopify associates which created a ticket.  Each associate agreed our case seemed to be "out of the ordinary". Later that day we received an email reply that the platform is working as designed. This forced us to switch USPS off as of 8/19/21. Prior sales of items that weighed 2-3 lbs were always cheaper via USPS.  We also often found that weights up near 5-6 pounds but less than 18" in length and let's say 6"W and 3" H would ship USPS as well.  It was always cheaper than UPS.

Maybe we're missing something here, but I respectfully disagree and our reply and request here for help.

16 0 11

I have an update to mention. 

Today I again spoke with customer service. We always offered UPS and USPS as shipping options.

I learned that when a customer moves from a Basic Plan to the Shopify plan, Shopify enables the "Default Box Size" feature.  Good or Bad you will now have to select One Default Box Size for all your products if you are using USPS.  UPS rates are the same and does not use "Default Box Size" (not sure why?)

We always considered the dimensional weight (WxLxH divided by 166) against actual weight for our shipping costs.  Then, whichever was greater is the weight we plugged into the product weight field (this always works for the consumer and the store owner).  In order words for us, this will no longer be considered if you're on the Shopify plan and use USPS as a shipping option.

Anybody else?

1 0 2

So maybe I can help with this with what I have been doing which seems to help. 
I have a few stores that ship small and large items. The default package I have set up is a poly bag (10x13x0.5)

I made shipping profiles for the for the items that use specific box’s. 
-skateboards, hats, shirts 

I made a sample order with a shipping address furthest from me (I’m in south florida) selected an address in Oregon with the default package and went to go ship the item. Once I’m the shipping screen I recorded the price it said it was going to be then I changed the package size and weight for what it would be (skateboard box at 5lbs) then wrote down the price of what it would be now. I did that for multiple packages and weights for the most common combos I ship for that store. 

I took the pricing difference and went into my shipping profiles. I’m the profiles you set up you can add a price in the backend. For example. Skateboard profile I added 18$ to the back end of that profile. Box is 33x10x8 and 6lbs. 

since I’ve done this. My customers store hasn’t lost any money the shipping cost is usually a dollar or so less than what the customer payed. Hope this makes sense. A little bit of work saves the 30$ a month. 

1 0 2

After all the effort I put into building my store with Shopify, I've just opened an Etsy account. My Shopify store is down (password protected) until I make a decision as to whether or not I continue with this platform. I feel like I'm moving backwards by going to Etsy, but with Shopify's shipping restrictions, I'm definitely not moving forward if I continue with this route. 

Absolutely ridiculous.

16 0 11

Thanks PCP for your feedback.  I'm working with your suggestions which looks promising.  Question,  what happens to the rate if a customer purchases more than one piece, let's say they order 5 skate boards.  Does the rate (for the customer) stay the same in your testing, or does it increase as weight changes? 

We frequently have customers purchase multiple pieces and from different categories, for example 5 skateboards and 2 hats.  In my test, the Shopify USPS quoted price stayed the same for the customer, but when actual weights and box size entered, the shipping label rate was unreasonable. 

10 0 34

Ok, I think I understand what you've done as a work around (isn't it crazy that we are trying to invent workarounds to quote customers accurate shipping rates, while also not losing our asses on under charging for shipping or adding endless monthly fees in third-party apps?).


Anyway, what you are doing is basically eliminating the default package size altogether (mostly anyway) by setting it as a very small package with little to no weight.  Then you are creating shipping profiles and grouping products together that closely match the same package dimensions (all skateboards go in one shipping profile, all hats in another, etc.).  Lastly, you are adding an extra fee to each of the shipping profiles that contain larger items (like skateboards).  You've figured out that shipping a skateboard from Florida to Oregon is one of your most costly shipments, so you've based your extra fee on that destination (added $18).  This probably brings your shipping rate to around $25 or so on shipments to Oregon.  That said, shouldn't it cost your Florida customers less than your Oregon customers?   How do you account for that?  How do you lower your rates for your next door neighbors?

16 0 9

So I am reading your response, and here we are in November of 2022 and Shopify still has done nothing to resolve this. You guys encourage small businesses to use your site. We get all of our stuff setup and then have to deal with this. Shopify should be adjusting their page to reflect the truth that you need to add another $19 a month to your monthly fees so you can get accurate rates. 

3 0 6

2023 and still same old issue...........


Though it looks like (after extensive research) PH Multicarrier Shipping Label App might be the best solution/pricing at $9.00 a month till Shopify corrects this..........if ever.

Shopify Partner
675 34 96

Hi @BroadStreet2727,


Thanks for mentioning the PH MultiCarrier Shipping Label app!


Yes, the app allows you to set up your shipping rates based on the box size and the number of items ordered. These apps allow you to create shipping rules based on different criteria such as weight, price, destination, and the number of items.


You can create shipping rules that specify which box size should be used for a particular number of items ordered. For example, you could create a rule that says if someone orders 1 item, they will be shipped in a small box, if they order 2-4 items, they will be shipped in a medium box, and if they order 5 or more items, they will be shipped in a large box.


Additionally, you can also set up shipping rates based on the weight and dimensions of your boxes, so that your customers are charged the correct amount for shipping based on the box size and weight.

Customer Success @ PluginHive
Shipping Automation | FedEx shipping | Multi-carrier shipping | Shipment Tracking | Australia Post shipping
6 0 7
I'm sure the app is great, however the point here is it should be a
standard feature in the BASE Shopify Platform without the requirement
for a 3rd party app.  Unlike Ebay which actually develops and improves
its own platform over time, Shopify's solution is to leave it very basic
and require people to pay more for extra features. It's smart from a
business perspective as you can easily monetize it with 3rd party apps,
but from a user perspective it's unfortunate to have to live with such a
BASIC shipping option.

A similar example of how Shopify does not care about developing its own
platform:  the PAGE EDITING WINDOW when creating custom pages. It's so
NARROW and the WYSIWYG editor to make pages is so hard to work in. The
editor is terrible to navigate and doesn't show tables in the browser
properly - Again, Shopify leaves this feature extremely basic, requiring
you to purchase a 3rd party app if you want to build nice looking pages
(or have to resort to using an external html editor).

It would be nice to see Shopify improve its base platform - but quite
unlikely given their business model is all about reliance on 3rd party
16 0 9

I doubt we will ever see anything from Shopify. I have not been impressed with any resolutions they have presented. Definitely not concerned about their smaller customers that is for sure. 

2 0 2

It's 2023 and this thread from 2019 is still relevant as I can't find any way to assign packaging sizes to different products. Has anything changed? The Shopify solutions don't address this basic feature and need.

Shopify Partner
23 0 8

They didn't change anything.

It's crazy how something so so simple is so complex.

I recently used a third-party app, but its super annoying since you need to pay extra.


2 0 2

Thanks for the reply. Having worked in tech in my former life, I'm not surprised that Shopify is telling customers to pay a 3rd party app (with their cut I'm sure) subscription for something so basic. Seems like greed and lack of user empathy and value in great product experience. I'm thinking I'll have to try setting up weight-based rates/profiles and see how that works. 


Shopify Partner
23 0 8

If you have a better workaround please let me know.

Right now I set up an app that allows rates based on size, so the customer is paying the UPS rate with a discount and we are just purchasing a label on shopify.


12 0 4

yep, still no fix apparently. I'm starting to really feel like Shopify has no interest in ever implementing features that are included without question on other sites, and that all they really care about is helping third party app developers to get more of us forced into using dozens of their apps to make up for the lack of fundamental functionality. it sucks.

29 0 11

Has this been fixed yet?  I sell from small 10x6 up to 36x4x4 - there is a huge difference in price for these items.  We need to be able to input box size per product so It calculates correctly.  

Shopify Partner
23 0 8

No, it wasnt.

I use a great app on a few stores called boxify.

You set the product dimension for the product and you provide it the box sizes and it calculates how many boxes the order needs.

The only thing is you need to connect it to a ups account and then set a 30-40% discount so that the rates match up to shopify rates.

Then you just purchase the shipping label from Shopify.

1 0 0

2024 and still no solution to such basic and standard feature. Any FREE Open Sources shopping carts have it built in as you cannot estimate shipping cost without package size. Shopify team must think we all sell t-shirts or 1 products.
sellers are loosing an enormous amount of profit because the rate the customer are charged are half or much lower than the ACTUAL cost we have to cover, specially when shipping internationally.
Adjusting the processing fees by adding 30 or 40%  end up to same results or way too much, scaring customers away and loosing the sale. 
This is been going on for way too long and they just don't care to fix it.
Do better Shopify!

1 0 0

5 Years and this is still an issue.  Small businesses cannot keep buying apps.  I'm new here and I am considering going back to my old platform (Shift4shop)  I was switching because I was looking for a more robust platform, but Shift4 is free and knows how to handle different box sizes.

16 0 9
It's crazy isn't it? They sell it like it is the perfect match for small
business but once you are on it is not even close. The mailing app is
probably owned by a family member who has skin in the game. I have pretty
much stopped pushing my Shopify store. It's really just a landing page for
my website in case someone wants to buy something. 95% of my sales come
from eBay because they make it so much easier. I'd rather pay the fees than
deal with Shopify. At some point I'll move it to another platform. So
frustrating and disappointing.

Shopify Partner
797 31 100

You can also try the Multi Carrier Shipping Label app that will help you automate the packing process based on product weight and dimensions. You can add custom boxes and the app will choose the correct box based on the product dimensions. Along with this, the app also helps you automate the shipping process as well.

Customer Success @ PluginHive
Shipping Automation | FedEx shipping | Multi-carrier shipping | Shipment Tracking | Australia Post shipping
6 0 38

Bumping this thread again, Shopify does anyone have info on whether this is a feature in progress? There seem to be literally hundreds of forum items about it.