Accepting credit cards, warehouses, and shipping and fulfilling orders
Hi there! I have 3 different sized boxes I use for shipping; small box for 1 item, medium box for 2-4 items, and large box for 5+ items. These boxes are all different sizes so that's important for shipping rates! I noticed I've been undercharging for shipping on orders with medium or large boxes because my default box was the smaller size and I want to be able to fix that!
Is there any app or anyway to set it up so that if someone orders x amount of items, they get a certain size box automatically?
Thank you so much in advance!
Following. Dimensions and weight determine the cost of shipping. Why is this so difficult?
Bumping yet another ignored thread by Shopify in the futile hope that some day, their management will get it and actually build a functioning service instead of outsourcing the most BASIC functionality to third-party developers.
I'm about to launch a much larger product that the one I currently sell, and I need to be able to assign default package dimensions and weights to individual products. WHY IS THIS STILL NOT A STANDARD FUNCTION WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY FOR A THIRD-PARTY APP?
I agree 1000% I lost money again this week on items that are large, and if I pull the item from my site, I might as well just stop stocking it. COME ON SHOPIFY. I am very please with most of the functionality of SHOPIFY, but this is just stupid. Maybe everyone watching this thread can bombard SHOPIFY with a complaint at the same time.
Adding my complaint here too. I am trying to add Boxify, but quickly realizing it's not a solution either. It doesn't integrate with UPS through shopify. My business is simple, I don't need this giant complication. Seems like it would be an easy fix so we don't have to pay more through an app.
Please fix!!
Just started selling hats this week, but now my customers will be charged for default poly mailer vs. a box?
Or everyone has to pay the box amount instead of the poly mailer?
This is extremely frustrating that this hasn't been solved for by shopify.
Seems to be the response! I am trying to figure out quickbooks and seems to be the same answer.
I know this is off topic, but from one frustrated QuickBooks user to another. We just changed to Wave Accounting. Free, unless you use their payroll and invoicing and even that is inexpensive. So far it is so much easier to use.
Incredible business plan to make people pay a bunch of extra money to keep other app developers alive, with such an incredibly basic functional business feature for a SELLING platform.... just incredible. As if size didn't really matter..... well, in this case, it most certainly does. Preparing plans to switch back to woocommerce on WordPress. You actually have options and free apps there...e
I just did a bandaid where I placed all products that belong in a box as a flat rate shipping fee. It works for now but not ideal.
Yea i'm starting to agree with you on this. It seems like anything worthwhile that will help enhance your store, or make it easer is just another addon with a monthly price tag.
Which is the shipping carrier you are using to ship the product, currently?
Have you installed any shipping app?
Where are you from?
When you're fulfilling an order, you need to choose a package that matches the type that you want to use.
You can save your preferred package types on the shipping and delivery settings page or on an order's Fulfillment page in your Shopify admin. Most carriers charge by size and weight, you can choose which one of your saved packages you want to use.
I would suggest the Multi-carrier shipping label app, which is integrated with multiple shipping carriers and the app automatically chooses the perfect box for the product based on weight and dimensions, so customers are only charged shipping charges for the box.
We currently ship via USPS, and UPS.
I am in Houston Texas, USA
We typically ship small items, but we also will need to ship an order in a much larger package. The Shopify product does not allow me to select different size packages based on item, Only one default package. I and many many Shopify customers do not understand why this is not a standard option. Paying additional fees per month for a very basic feature is not right. I have no problem paying extra for fees for Apps I need for my specific process, but basic package size option should be included in Shopify.
Hello @cfunni,
I understand that you don't want to use an app for this feature.
However, since there is no other option available to handle this directly in Shopify, you can try
the Multi-Carrier Shipping Label app until the option is available directly in Shopify.
The app allows you to add custom boxes for packaging based on the weight of the product, and dimensions.
Also, automatically chooses the right package to ship the orders.
As you are looking for larger boxes you can create the same under the packing process within the app.
You can create any number of boxes based on your product weight & dimensions and the app automatically chooses the correct box based on what your customer orders.
I think the common complaint here from the Shopify customers, this should be a basic feature in Shopify. It should be already in the product we are paying you for. Also the comments we are adding here are also read by future customers, and things like this will keep people from joining Shopify. This is a BASIC part of every other platform, and there is a reason SHOPIFY is leaving it out. It will cost you customers if it is not added soon.
Exactly. Maybe we should start a thread about other platforms that will actually meet our needs. Ebay..Squarespace..pros and cons? Others?
If you want to evolve and innovate sadly Shopifty is not for you.
Shopify is very flawed in general for a so-called leading eCommerce platform.
We are using workarounds for now but will be going to Woocommerce.
Even the bundles module for Woocommerce is lightyears ahead of what anything in Shopify offers.
I’m a new user and running into the exact same issue. It’s extremely hard to understand why this isn’t a basic standard feature. I’m somewhat regretting my decision to go with Shopify for my business and will likely start looking into other options before I get too deeply invested if Shopify isn’t willing to address what is so clearly a massive problem for a huge number of its users, and something that should be a very simple fix.
For a business like mine, not having this as an opinion just simply will not work at all. There is way too much variation in my products to be able to function without this basic feature. I haven’t made my site live yet, and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to at all and that I will have no choice but to use another service that includes this basic feature.
Here's what I got after pushing them to give me a non-b*****t response. It was... another empty response. Alternatives to Shopify welcome, as soon as I have a day free I'm getting off. Can't believe they don't let you assign different boxes to different products. Hilariously inept.
"I understand that you're looking to be able to associate specific packages to specific products. You're absolutely right that there are plenty of forums of merchants that are requesting this feature and us here at Support would provide any additional details if they were known to us. I personally think we're quite transparent when we can but in this particular situation I only know that Hepa has added your feedback into the feature request/feedback tracker.
Typically, if a request is made by many merchants and our team looked into implementing the feature into the platform but cannot - they usually post to let us Support Advisors know so that we can also inform merchants when they reach out to us via our support channels. For this particular request, we haven't received any type of indication so truthfully, Hepa's response of not having any sort of ETA is the most accurate.
Although Hepa or myself cannot promise that the request will become a feature for the platform, we can promise that we're making your feedback heard by our developers and they're taking our merchant's feedback seriously. I know that this isn't the response you're looking for but I do hope that it provides a bit more context."
I am new to Shopify and in the process of building my first store on the 14-day trial. After doing a lot of work, all the integrations with accounting, Amazon Pay, and other things, I thought that setting up shipping would be the easy part. I am astonished that the shipping functionality is so limited. With the Basic plan, it is "one box fits all", which I can't imagine suits anyone's needs. It's truly pathetic and I can't believe that it can't even provide the most basic functionality. Why wouldn't you simply enter the box size and weight for each product in their respective product profiles? I could see the added functionality of packaging multiple items in the same/different sized box or some other decision tree calculations for a multi-line item order as being an "advanced" feature and costing extra. Even eBay can calculate shipping from all major carriers for free based on the weight and package size you enter. And Shopify can't? So each product can't have it's own associated box size? Really? Come on now. I am really disappointed so far and considering dumping this before the 14-days are up. I never thought to investigate this functionality when comparing ecommerce platforms.
As I have gone through each step of setting up this online store, I feel nickel-and-dimed to death. Shopify should change their slogan to: "There's an app for that." Seriously, looking at the Shopify offering from an outsiders perspective, how can a "fully featured" ecommerce product have a thriving third-party app store just to enable basic functionality like this. Paying extra for themes that third-party developers are selling is something that enticed me to pick Shopify and makes sense. Paying for a third-party app that handles basic shipping information and calculations is just absurd and unacceptable. Lastly, service providers like UPS provide robust API kits for developers. So it's not like this is a herculean task to add this. I hope that Shopify reads these posts and improves their product instead of enhancing their app store.
I had to log into my account again to turn off the emails for this thread so I thought I would provide an update before leaving for good.
I hadn't launched my store yet so I decided to jump ship before investing any more time in Shopify. Almost all my questions were met with something like: "buy this app that costs more than the plan..." and when I read this forum all the users that had the same questions I did on various issues all noted that nothing ever gets fixed or improved. From Shopify's perspective, it's genius. They don't have to employ programmers to make their platform work, and instead, get paid by third-party developers to put their software on their app store. I wish I thought of a business where my employees paid me...
I am sure this will get my post deleted, but I switched to Shift4Shop (formerly 3dcart). Their top tier plan is "free", as long as you use their payment provider exclusively, giving them ~3% revenue on all your sales. You are probably already doing that now here on Shopify (+apps +your monthly sub fees). I had to drop Amazon Pay but oh well. The templates on Shift4Shop leave a lot to be desired at this point but can be customized and will hopefully get better over time. They let you add as many box sizes as you want and specify a % fill (how much of the box that can hold product to account for padding. If you add the dimensions of your products in as well, it will calculate what box(es) you need to use. Integrations for all the major shipping providers are provided with the free plan and it provides real time shipping rates (I have only set up UPS so far and it works). For me, Shift4Shop was superior package at a much lower price point (basically free). Switching platforms was my solution to all the problems and limitations I encountered on Shopify.
Shopify: You aren't going to be able to profit from both your users and app developers forever. You should address this obvious conflict of interest. Given that you won't exist without the users, it's seems obvious who you should pick. Maybe watch Tron and get the lesson...
Yup, so many questions are met with "download apps to spend more money." There are many wonderful things about Shopify, but it is crazy how there are not simple solutions for the most basic things. Anyway, I am only responding in this thread to boost it. Hopefully Shopify will see how many people want/need this packaging feature.
As much as I salute that, sadly from what I have seen I can trace threads just like this one back to as far as 2015-2017. Its pretty clear that shopify is NOT going to do anything about this lmao. Genius money making move on their part ngl.
I just found this thread after spending half an entire day trying to figure out package sizing and how it relates to products. This seems like it would be an easy fix for Shopify to implement:
1. Allow different package types to be added - Just like you can do now
2. Remove this 'default' package size type requirement - this is really counter-intuitive - as everyone knows that all products and packages come in different weights and sizes and this ONE SIZE FITS ALL approach is just the most ridiculous thing i've encountered on Shopify
3. On PRODUCT Pages, have a DROP-DOWN menu with the various Package Size types that were specified earlier.
This way the seller would have the choice to choose the box size, and since the weight is already a field available - those two things (weight + box size) will allow for accurate shipping rates if using calculated rates.
This does not address however a situation where a customer purchases multiple products that have different box size types. A workaround would be to create custom packages with multiple items and specific boxes sizes for those 'combined' packages. This however would take away from the customer's freedom to pick and choose individual items and have everything added up and sized correctly.
For starters though, I really think that giving a drop-down to select a package size for every product would be a no-brainer!
I figured out a way around this which requires background knowledge of your product weights and package sizes. Don't bother with carrier-calculated rates, just bypass them and do everything with custom rates only. Yes it's more work, but gives the control needed for the seller to more accurately charge the correct rates. It's not a perfect solution, nor is it an easy one as it takes a lot of extra work, but I think it's better than using calculated rates with only a single box size possible (thanks Shopify).
To add to this - I actually kept the 'default' box and package size for use with Carrier-Calculated shipping, but only on the MAIN product I sell as I know the dimensions and weight will roughly always be the same.
For other items that don't fit the 'default' settings, I am going with Custom Flat Rates that I am setting up manually - This avoids problems where the system tries to apply rates based on the default package size when it doesn't match.
Better yet, Shopify, allow us to enter dimensions (LxWxH) and weights for our products. Then do the math for us once a customer needs shipping rates (meaning, calculate the box size needed, and match it up to a package size that we have saved in our shipping settings). If we don't have one single box that will fit all of the products in the order, split the order into two shipments and quote the customer. Easy, right?
I mean, we know the boxes that we need. We buy them. Why doesn't Shopify just require product dimensions for users that want to use dimensional shipping weight, and get busy?! Could it be that they are too busy counting their money and investing it elsewhere, instead of focusing on the Golden Rule - "Customer First"?
But then you cant use the shopify rates or endicia is that correct?
I also have concerns, is it possible to add multiple delivery area in local delivery? I just want my shipping fee fixed per city postal codes, But the problem is shopify only allows 5 delivery area in local delivery is there a way where in I can add more city? Hoping for your response, Thank you so much!
Has this topic been acknowledged by Shopify and if so, what is the status? On roadmap? and if so when is feature planned for deployment?
Still no response from them,, It's quite dissapointing.....
I’m experiencing the same thing - Shopify please provide a response. I left WooCommerce for you - this is an urgent feature that needs to be addressed.
I'm new to Shopify but I'm worried that such a basic function is not already a part of the platform. A post with 8600+ views and 6 pages of replies all dealing with the same issue? And that's not counting at least six other posts I've seen that ask the same question. Shouldn't that be a clear message that it's an important issue to your CUSTOMERS that it should be added as a basic feature? We as a community rely on Shopify to be the front line for our businesses, shouldn't Shopify be responsive to it's community and continue to improve and maintain the platform?
Just a sort of PSA-- i've been in touch with Shopify and yes, they suck on this issue and offer nothing of detail. I escalated somewhat far up the ladder and ultimately got something to the tune of "we know about the problem an nobody has chosen to fix it".
MY SOLUTION has been a combo of Boxify and ShipStation. So via ShipStation I get the discounted rates (can't use the shopify rates) and can also hook up my FedEx account (USPS too if you use it). Getting dimensions loaded into Boxify was a hassle but simple-- spreadsheet out all product dimensions and send them the info, they'll populate it to Shopify. With a few more tweaks (adding all box sizes in, etc.), it will estimate shipping cost for your customer and tell you what box to use.
BOXIFY DOES NOT show discounted rates to the customer, which blows. I set UPS to a 65% discount, and FedEx to a 35% discount. On average, that hits more more or less what I later pay via ShipStation, I have what I would guess are the lowest end of the discounts, as I don't ship a lot (5-10 items/week).
FINALLY you need to pay Shopify annually (!!!) for the "privilege" of using the Boxify app to workaround their sh**ty underdeveloped platform, and then call them on the phone and ask them to allow shipping app integrations as a reward for paying annually and not monthly. So it's an immediate outlay of a few hundred bucks. So much for supporting small businesses, right?
Shopify is all show and no substance, unfortunately, but that's my workaround. It costs time and money. Alas. Really hope this helps y'all.
Has this been resolved?
Hi @anahuat,
Currently, there is no solution to handle this directly within Shopify. The only workaround for this is to use a shipping app that allows you to charge based on dimensional weight of your products and choose the right box based on what your customers order.
May I know what do you sell and how you handle your shipping process currently?
@PluginHive is there a specific app you recommend to take care of this issue? I sell care packages and custom gifts, each gift is built in a square box shipper 10x10x4 inches and weights about 3lbs. When the customer orders more than 2 sets the cost for shipping doesn't adjust and I end up eating the cost. In need to fix this ASAP.
Hi @anahuat,
Yes, you can use the Multi Carrier Shipping Label app that helps you handle this. May I know which carrier you are using for handling the shipping process?
With the box packing method in the app, you can set up different packages for your products based on the weight & dimensions.
So, whenever your customer places an order, the app automatically chooses the right box and calculates the rates accordingly. Also, with the app, you can print labels, and also automate the tracking process. You can try the app with a 14-day free trial and contact the support for any assistance required to set this up.
I use USPS Priority Mail to ship all my packages
Hi @anahuat,
Thanks. You can easily use the Multi Carrier Shipping Label app by PluginHive to handle this.
Are you lucky. 😉
How does your app handle multiple different products, all with different package sizes, and all on one order? Meaning, let's say a customer places an order containing 3 different products - produce one is packed in a 33x11x9 box, product two needs a 9x11x2 poly bag, and product 3 needs an 8x8x8 box. What package size gets quoted for this order? Does your app determine that our 34x12x10 box is the best box to fit all of these items? If and when a customer orders items that cannot be shipped together in one box, and must ship in separate boxes, will your app let them know, and also create two different shipping estimates/options for them?
I just ran into this issue and after trying to resolve it on my own for hours within the platform, then with agents that only give me the runaround for another hour, I found this thread. I am absolutely amazed that such a smooth and easy to use platform does not offer something so basic to its customers...I am actually saddened because I just started using shopify and I was doing so well that I ended up adding a different product that is of a much different size, which is why I ran into this problem. I am now stuck because I genuinely do not know how to fix this nor what extra app add-on to purchase for it (which is insane, shopify already charges me $30 just to use it then takes almost 3% of every one of my sales!) This is theft! I would really hate to start over fresh on a different platform but does anyone have any recommendations for which one to use that is as "seamless" and simple as shopify? I really like how I was able to build a really nice site with streamlined payments and even tax paying.
Better yet, allow us to enter dimensions (LxWxH) and weights for our products. Then do the math for us once a customer needs shipping rates (meaning, calculate the box size needed, and match it up to a package size that we have saved in our shipping settings). If we don't have one single box that will fit all of the products in the order, split the order into two shipments and quote the customer. Amazon does it. Easy, right? Don't you want your Shopify stock price up at $3,000 a share too? You are half where there, but you don't realize that you are only HALF WAY THERE. Fixing this one issue will not only make your current customers happy, but who knows how many new customers you've lost because you do not handle dimension weight - the cornerstone of all shipping carriers. Crazy really.
I mean, we know the boxes that we need. We buy them. Why doesn't Shopify just require product dimensions for users that want to use dimensional shipping weight, and get busy?! Could it be that they are too busy counting their money and investing it elsewhere, instead of focusing on the Golden Rule - "Customer First"?
With the recent updates to USPS rates adding fees for box lengths this is something that needs to be addressed. Before we were able to go based off weight alone because the dimensions of the box were not really an issue for us. But when we have to add $15 to ship a poster sized box because of the length alone, well now we have problems. Most products fit inside a shoebox, so that is our default package size, when someone adds something is very light but long, we have to eat the $15 fee. I know this is more of USPS complaint and we do have other options but Shopify should have an easy way to just be able to set a certain box size for a product with a simple priority list. It doesn't have to be complex. If this product is in cart then use this box size, otherwise use the default. At this point we don't care about the UI, give us basic functionality.
Seems like a reasonable and basic function. You should be able to save different box sizes and weights, and not be forced into having to use one default package size in order to take advantage of carrier rate automation. The other option is to not use the Shopify default package option and create your own shipping tiers by weight - but this does not address the new issue with USPS.
The $15.00 USPS surcharge stacks another card against anyone shipping something over 30".
UPS is an affordable alternative in the US, not sure so much about in Canada.
I think this really stinks! I am on the east coast of USA. I have a choice of either losing business to potential customers on the west coast of USA as well as International customers because I make my default package too large or I eat anywhere from $30 - $150 in shipping fees by making my default package size too small. My products range from 4 ounces to 25 pounds and in size they can go in a box as small as 8x8x8" to 30"x16"x12". I only realized how bad this was hurting me last week when I had three international shipments I had to send in very large boxes and I ended up losing $170+ between the three because the customer was not charged enough for the shipping option they chose based on the size box I needed to use for each of them.
Etsy, eBay, and every hosting company I used before coming to Shopify offered a way to enter the dimensions of a boxed product when CREATING THE LISTING for that product. You can't tell me Shopify doesn't know how to do this as well. The pkg. sizes are populated separately from the shipping rates chosen. It should all be one step so that we can add products to each package size and shipping rate OR dimensions/package size should be able to be chosen when creating a new product listing. If you cannot do this, I am with the wrong "professionals". It feels like this is just another way for Shopify to collect more money by forcing us to use your paid app and unless this is fixed, I'll have no choice but to go back to my last hosting company, or any one of them that didn't have this issue (all of them). I love everything else about Shopify but this is hurting my bottom line badly.
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