Accepting credit cards, warehouses, and shipping and fulfilling orders
Hey guys!
Im using this as a desperate attempt to find a quick solution aswell as to vent about this whole problem.
About the situation:
During the past 7-12 days, ive had repeated problems with customers being unable to fully place an order. Customers proceed to checkout, fill in all their details, select their payment type, get redirected to their payment provider & then, they get stuck in loading while trying to get back to shopify (my website). This is causing them to being unsure if they have placed the order, because they are not getting redirected to the "Thank you" page. After a while they just leave. They are listed in my "abandoned checkouts", without any error message displayed.
This has caused my CR to drop immensely. Since I have active AD campaigns running, im am burning hundreds of euros every single day. Ive talked to some people who seem to have had (or still have) similar problems. Shopify acknowledged this issue a week ago, but claims its fully fixed. But its obviously not. This is super frustrating since I dont even know if they are looking for a solution. I have also contacted the shopify live chat support about this on Friday (yesterday). After explaining my situation the VA said that he will have to fast me forward to the Tech team. I repeatedly told him how important this is because I, as a fresh business, cant afford to lose this much money much longer. He insured me that the tech team will get in touch the same day (meaning yesterday, Friday), but they didnt. So now I will have to watch while my usual best revenue days, saturday and sunday, are just burning money. And all of this after a week of non profitable ad campaings aswell due to this issue.
This brought me here. Sitting on 29€ revenue today, Adspend 100€. Usually, on a saturday, I wouldve had like 400€ revenue already. Have any of you guys experienced something similar? Does anyone know a god damn solution to this? I chose shopify as my shop system because I always trusted in their capabilities, but this is seriously making me question it. Im just so fed up.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
Hope you guys have a successfull weekend.
A lot of people have this problem, any solution yet?
Sadly no. Shopify is claiming that the issue has been fixed and that there is no active error with the "checkout" page. Really frustrating. They expect us, as customers, to ask our customers to give somewhat of a bug report so that they can see if its an actual error or not. This is the dumbest thing ive heard in a while. Store visitors trying to buy a 20€ item arent going to provide a bug report, they just leave and move on if something doesnt work. They actually expect us as customers and our customers to fix their god damn problem. Hundreds of people complain about a drop in CR, bad dashboard tracking, etc. However, they still claim that there is no issue. Im legit out of words and have no idea what to do.
How has this issue been affecting you?
I'm having the same issues! I get 3-4 abandoned checkouts per customers (which indicates that they retry to purchase the product) and my conversion rate suddenly dropped alot, look at these numbers. There is 100% a bug going on, we e-commerce dudes know perfectly if there is something wrong by feel
All my payment gateways are working btw
Couldnt agree more! We spend hours a day looking at the numbers (ATC, CR, etc) & do so for month and years. You can tell if something is wrong just by intuition. Saldy, shopify is demanding bug reports before doing anything. I think we, as sellers should complain louder and more publicly (via twitter, insta, etc). We need to pressure them to finally find a damn solution,
Are you still profitable or are you also burning money rn?
Yep.. Annoying
Hi bro, just want to know if this is fixed or not, because I'm having the same issue now!
I'm having the same trouble. Is Shopify now acknowledging the issue and working to fix?
I am also having the same issue. Customers getting stuck on the loading page. Very frustrating, especially when these are high priced items, causing my customers that are purchasing in my shop, going home to try online, then coming back in. I try to help over the phone, with no luck. Losing out on revenue and could be losing customers that trust us.
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