"This store can’t accept payments right now", never got email and support cant look into my account

"This store can’t accept payments right now", never got email and support cant look into my account

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When I first created the store, I was restricted and received an email from legal to provide documents.  I promptly provided the documents and my store was re-enabled and I was able to work on it.  I activated Shopify Payments and all seems to have went well and was enabled.


A few days after uploading my products (home goods) and editing my theme, I received a notification that my Shopify Payments are on hold and my store cannot accept any payments.  For context, I have 0 traffic and 0 orders but I already provided my business documents to legal team in the first place.


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When I then reached out to support as instructed, all they say is that they do not have visibility into the reason as to why it's on hold and that they will "escalate" it.  This was their response:

"17:09 (Support Advisor): I understand your situation, how I wish that I have visibility on the reason for this hold so that we can informed you about it, however, since our specialized team is handling on your case, and they are the most equipped to provide you with the reasons behind your account being on hold."

I have a ticket that is escalated and have not heard back for at all in the ticket or email now so I reached out again related to my issue and their response is to refrain from contacting again as it can put us back in the queue.  This is their response:

"Once we leave this chat, I will get this escalated once more. The best thing to do then will be to wait on that team to reply back to us on the escalated ticket, and try not to reply back to it in any way. The reason I mention this is because our ticketing system marks new replies as an update--so sending replies on the ticket causes it to move down in the team's queue, potentially increasing their response time."


I'm subscribed to the plan with "Enhanced" 24/7 support which I have no idea what is so enhanced about it.  It feels like I'm just chatting with an AI when I reach out to support and all we get are canned answers and assured that they care and that our issues are escalated.


I'm looking for any help in getting this resolved.

Replies 2 (2)

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It's the same for me. I'm waiting for more than 10 days without an answer.

The support is really slow and does not deign to provide an answer on the reason for this situation.

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The hold on my account was lifted over the weekend.  It was about 8 days for my hold to lift.  Try reaching out to support on Twitter if you do not get resolution.