Accepting credit cards, warehouses, and shipping and fulfilling orders
Hi everyone,
I am facing an issue with my Shopify Advanced site - A few shoppers are getting this error "Your payment details could not be verified. Check your card details and try again" when they enter their credit details. We have contacted our third party payment provider and they are saying that they are not receiving the payment request. We also do not see this order in the Shopify admin. Can you help to share in what scenarios would you display the error "Your payment details could not be verified. Check your card details and try again" so that we can troubleshoot this with our third party payment provider?
Also, if anyone has gotten this - can you also share how you solved the problem?
Any help is appreciated!!
Hey, @kevagc!
I’m Helen from Shopify Support. Thanks for reaching out about this.
Are you seeing these attempted transactions as Abandoned Checkouts? You can check by going to ‘Orders > Abandoned Checkout' in your Shopify admin.
If so, the best way to find more information about these activities to relay to your third party gateway, is to look at the history of the abandoned checkout.
Payments that do not go through to create an order will show up in this section. Clicking on the payment event will give the reason for the failure, as well as the authorization number that you can share with your payment provider.
Let me know if this helps.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Helen,
My customer is receiving a similar error message. They have confirmed that all info was entered correctly but are still unable to successfully checkout. Their information is logged under abandoned checkouts but there is no history. It just says "customer created".
Hey, @misseastatl. Thanks for reaching out about this. I’m happy to look into it further with you.
Which payment gateway are you using?
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
I receive the exact same problem.
How can I fix that ?
Hi, @DoggyDoggo! I’m happy to help look into this for you too.
Could you please tell me which Payment gateway you’re using? Have you already looked at the payment history in the abandoned checkout for more information about the error, as explained above? Please provide a screenshot of the information found there, if you can. It will give us a better idea of where to start with troubleshooting this.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
I am experiencing this issue. No payment history details are displayed for my client's failed payment. See attached screenshot and please help so that I can further assist my customers.
Hey, @FitReeFitness.
Thanks for the screenshot. That really helps to see exactly what you are referring to!
The payment history section will show only if there is an actual issue with the payment gateway. When there isn’t any payment history notification showing, then the gateway was functioning properly for that abandoned checkout order.
Which payment gateway are you using? Are you able to provide me with a screenshot of the actual error notification that your customer is receiving on the checkout page so that I can look into this further for you?
That being said, I noticed in your screenshot that you have an additional note with an rmc_uid number indicated. This particular number is known to be generated from an app called Abandoned Cart Recovery. Are you currently using this app?
Since abandoned cart recovery apps interact with checkout transactions, it’s possible that it is causing the issue your customer is experiencing. In the event that it is, the next step is to contact the app developer directly to fix the integration, so that it does not continue to hinder any transactions.
Let me know what you find!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi, I am David. I have tried payment for my product but it turned out that it doesn't work every time it shows Your payment details couldn’t be verified. Check your card details and try again. I have tried 3 different visa and master cards, but not even one was working, please tell me where the problem could be.
I am using recart for abandoned carts and also klaviyo.
In section abandoned carts I have all failed orders but there is no error shown.
Hi, @CassiaPerfumes. Welcome to the Community! I’m sorry to hear you are having such trouble processing payments on your store. That’s very frustrating.
Which payment gateway are you using? If it’s Shopify Payments, I’ll be able to further help troubleshoot this with you. However, if it is a third party gateway, please contact your provider directly. We don’t have access to any third party payment processing systems, so they’re the best ones to look further into the configuration to determine why the payments aren’t being accepted.
Let me know!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
I am experiencing the same problem. Enabled Bogus Gateway for credit cards and trying to enter an order. Tried two valid Visa cards and both failed. I don't see any records in the Abandoned checkouts.
What could the problem be.
Hey, @StoneBridgeDigi. Thanks for reaching out!
The Bogus Gateway is intended for creating test orders, and so real credit cards are not able to be processed through it. The specific credit card information that you need to use is seen below. This information is also found in the Help Doc for Placing a test order.
Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Thanks Helen, this worked well and the test purchase transaction completed.
That’s great to hear, @StoneBridgeDigi! Running test orders is really proactive, and enables you to work out any roadblocks that your customer may encounter through the purchasing process, so I’m happy to see you doing so.
How’s the rest of your store setup coming along?
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi Helen, I am using stripe, please let me know if you are able to do something with it or where can I contact the provider.
Hi again, @CassiaPerfumes. Thanks for following up!
As mentioned previously, we only have access to troubleshoot Shopify Payments, our in-house payment provider. Stripe is a third party gateway and so you’ll need to contact them to help with any of their payment processing issues. You should be able to find how to get support from within your Stripe account, or on the contact page on their website.
All the best,
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
good day
Please may you assist me
Good day, @Starrin! Thanks for reaching out, and for providing a screenshot. Something certainly does not seem quite right, so let’s take a look into it.
The first thing that I noticed in your screenshot, is that there aren’t any of the major credit card options in the payment section of your checkout. It should look like this:
Therefore, even though it sounds like you’ve proceeded correctly with your test order settings, let’s start by double check the following one more time, to rule out anything that may have been missed:
Let me know if any of the above helped, and if it didn't we’ll continue with the next steps. Thanks!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Good day
I have only opened my store a week ago. By the looks of it I am not registered with a 3rd party account as yet. I live in South Africa but my store only caters to The United states, New Zealand, Australia and United Kingdom. I see that being in South Africa I will then have to choose a 3rd Party payment provider? Yes or No? If so which will be best suited for my business needs regarding where I live and the countries I am selling to?
I do also have a registered Pay Pal Account which I have entered those details to link it with my shopify.
When in test Mode I have to go into 3rd party payment providers and choose the Bogus Test and then Activate it.
So if you can just tell me what provider to use for payments that will feature on my check out screen then I can Test once again. I also Used the Master card and Visa Test options when testing
Thanks for all of this extra information, @Starrin!
That’s great that you’ve already added Paypal to your store. With your account being based in South Africa, you are correct that you will need to use a third party gateway to also accept credit cards for payment in your checkout. See here for a complete list of payment providers that are available and already integrated with the Shopify platform for your region.
That being said, I’m not familiar enough with any of the third party gateways to advise which would be best for your business. However, I do know that 2Checkout tends to be available to a lot of regions. It may be a familiar one to your customers, so I suggest starting there. Once you’ve decided which one you’d like to use and set up an account with them directly, here are the steps to configure it on your store.
Now, onto your test transaction. Since you are going to be using a third party gateway, and have activated the Bogus gateway to test out your transaction, you’ll need to enter the following details in the checkout instead of the ones used for Shopify Payments. These details and more information are also found in the Help Doc for Placing a test order.
Let me know how it goes!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi my name is Cesar, and my customers have the same problem they all put in the correct information. I am using Shopify payments and every time they put in their info it says Your payment details could not be verified.
Hi, @thefittedplug. Thanks for reaching out about this. We definitely need to get to the bottom of this for you!
Have you already confirmed that Shopify Payments is not in test mode? You can determine this by going to ‘Settings > Payments’. If it’s in test mode, you’ll see a yellow banner stating “Shopify Payments is running on test mode” as shown in the screenshot within my reply in this thread on 02-08-2021. The steps to turn it off are also listed there.
If it was not in test mode, then the next thing I recommend checking is if the payment attempts are showing up in your Abandoned Checkouts. You can view them by going to ‘Orders > Abandoned Checkout'. Please scroll down to the History section of the abandoned order, and click on the payment event to see what additional information it gives that may help resolve the issue for your customers. Let me know if you find anything there!
And then lastly, if neither of the above troubleshooting steps help, we’re happy to look further into it with you. We’ll need to access your account in order to do so, and while we’re not able to provide account-specific support via the Shopify Community at this time, we’d be glad to continue assisting you through live chat, email, or callback. Please visit the Shopify Help Center and log in to your account to create a support request.
Since this is the next step I've marked this reply as the solution for the benefit of others who may discover this topic. Thanks!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
I'm facing this same issue while my Payment Test Mode is on. I'm using Stripe as a payment gateway.
Numan Ijaz
Hi, @Numanijaz. Thanks for reaching out about this!
If your payment gateway is in test mode, then it will not be able to process any real payments. You would only be able to process a test payment using specific credit card criteria. If a real transaction is attempted, then an error message such as "Your payment details could not be verified. Check your card details and try again" would appear. Therefore, to be able to process a real payment, you need to turn the test mode off.
Since you’re using a third party gateway, did you turn on test mode via the Bogus gateway? Or have you turned test mode on from directly within your Stripe account?
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
I have had clients who have had their payment methods declined many times and I have also run a similar test myself and had the same message please help
I’m also using shopify as payment gateway Well as far as I’m concerned I think I am
Please help
Hi, @Waltonfinearts. I’m here to help!
Thanks for providing a screenshot. I can see here that you are currently using the Bogus gateway.
The Bogus gateway is used for testing purposes, and so will only work when entering specific credit card criteria. Please see the Help Doc for Place a test order by simulating a transaction for more information about this, including how to deactivate it.
Once it’s deactivated, you’ll need to activate a payment gateway so that your customers can purchase from your store. Therefore, if you are planning to use Shopify Payments, you can enable it by referring to the steps in the Help Doc Set up Shopify Payments.
Let me know how it goes!
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
I am also having this same issue. Can you please help me troubleshoot. Attached is a screenshot of the order inside abandoned carts.
Hi Helen, I am experiencing the same issue as mentioned above. I've followed your directions and can confirm that although the security code is correct even though it's being flagged otherwise. We are using Shopify Payments. I've attached a screenshot for your reference. Thanks in advance for your guidance!
Hello Helen,
A client received the same error message last week ("Your payment details couldn’t be verified. Check your card details and try again."), however, I do not see the order details in Abandoned Checkouts.
I am using Shopify payments. Please advise!
Hi Helen, I'm having the same issue, and I'm using Shopify Payments. What should I do?
Hey, @AlexElysian
Did you go through the troubleshooting steps that Helen laid out in her post here? If you have gone through your abandoned checkouts and are unable to find a cause, it looks like we'll need to access your account in order to resolve this issue.
While we're not able to provide account-specific support via Community at this time, we'd be happy to continue assisting you through our available support channels. Please visit our help center and login for assistance.
Dirk | Social Care @ Shopify
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Hi, I have the same problem My customers put the card data correct but it says that they need to check their details and try again, one of them said that it worked with the apple pay. I m using shopify payments. Can you please help me ?
Hi there, I am having a similar issue. I just ordered a product on Fk.Toys, a shopify powered website, and I entered my details correctly. It said "your payment couldn't be verified please check details" but this is obviously false because the 68.99 was immediately removed from my account under the name of the website I was on. I want to know: should I wait and see if this thing is delivered? Should I reenter the details? Will I get this product if it is saying the product has unverified payment? I am extremely hesitant to do this twice since it may just steal my money and ask for details to be clarified again. Anyone have experience with this?
This is happening when I try to order from omocat which uses shopify and I have no idea what to do, I think I’m going to lose the chance to get the item I was trying to get. The strangest part is that it charged me anyways. 😞
We are also having the same problem. We use Shopify Payments.
The customer has said:
The error message I got:
I put in my credit card data (it's a Master Card), accepted the order in my credit card app, was redirected again to the payment site, there it said that my order was being processed and after that, I got the message above.
I cannot see an abandoned checkout for this.
Please can you confirm why this be the case.
Many thanks
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