Refund initiated but chargeback raised next day. Shopify charged me twice

Refund initiated but chargeback raised next day. Shopify charged me twice

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customer placed order which was flagged as high risk and we are advised to cancel and issue a refund. I followed this advice but next day the customer’s bank raised a chargeback. This made the initiated refund fail and go to pending status. The chargeback amount was withdrawn from my account for that order but my account is also showing a negative amount of £1223.50 for the refund that failed due to the chargeback. Shopify keep telling me it the payout balance will update and the negative amount will be removed but this has not happened. Today I did a test sale and the funds went towards the negative payout balance that I was assured would not be there once the chargeback was taken. I was assured that the payment will not be taken twice and Shopify payment system cancelled the refund when it detected a chargeback. So I won’t be charged twice for one order. However, I have already had the chargeback amount of £1287.50 taken on 20th January and my payout balance is still showing negative £1223.50. Today I made a test order for £10.00. Then I checked my payout balance and seen that £10.00 was taken off the amount showing as negative. So this means Shopify is charging me this way for a refund that they promised they would not take from me as they had already taken the chargeback. What a scam! I was reassured by a number of agents, payment specialists and senior agents. And they don’t want to tell you where you can make a complaint. I can’t operate my business 

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