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return order shipping label

return order shipping label

Shopify Partner
8 1 0

I have created a custom app for shopify seller. I am using order graphql api to create draft order, complete draft order, cancel order and return order. 
so i am able to create a return in shopify with help of graphql api. 
I use following ocde in python to create a return. it is successfully creating returns. 

query = '''
mutation returnCreateMutation {
returnInput: {
orderId: "%s",
returnLineItems: [
fulfillmentLineItemId: "%s",
quantity: %s,
returnReason: OTHER
returnReasonNote: "%s"
notifyCustomer: false
return {
userErrors {
''' % (order_id, item_id, quantity, reason)

 now i want return shipping label for this return created. how do i get that ?
for example if shopify seller has update tracking id and url for this return then how do I get, 
also i was not able to add tracking url and tracking id for returned in shopify admin for all order that i returned with api. 
can someone pls help with this ?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
8 1 0

can somebody please reply from shopify staff