See that orders that are fulfilled today?

See that orders that are fulfilled today?

48 0 13

Is there a report or a place I can see what orders that is fulfilled today? 


I know there is a report called "Fulfillment over time" But that does not give me the order numbers of the orders that are fulfilled. Only number of orders. 

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I don't think so.


1 idea is to have whoever manages the orders / marks fulfilled, to add a tag, example Fulfilled 2024-07-24.


Then you search for orders on the orders page, using that tag. Then save the url, and whenever you want to find fulfilled orders of a day, you just update the date of the tag in the url.

• Creator of Shopify automation apps Order Automator + Product Automator [apps that save you time + money]
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Hi @Unaas 


Claudia here from Better Reports.

Have you been able to find a solution for this with Shopify? If not, I would recommend our app Better Reports.

We can set up a report showing the orders (or items) fulfilled in a specific day or time frame, and include customer and sales information.


In addition to this, Better Reports has more than 60 built-in reports available out of the box that cover many common use cases for merchants. You can schedule reports to run at set frequencies to your email or Google Drive or export the reports in CSV, Excel or PDF format.


I encourage you to install Better Reports and start your free 14-day trial and I'll be happy to set this up for you.


What do you think?

340 12 24

Hey @Unaas ,


The specific report you're looking for is not available under Shopify analytics. However, if you're open to using a reporting app, you can create this report and other custom reports with the data you specify.

Here is a sample report for reference : 

Shopify Report by fulfillment Date.png

Please ask if you have any questions

Team Report Pundit 

Report Pundit - Instant reports and custom dashboards

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Hey Unaas,


Our EZ Exporter app can generate a report of orders fulfilled today as well.


In the app, we already have a pre-built template you can use called "Orders Fulfilled Today" and can be customized further.


You can automate the export as well and have the report sent via email or push the data to Google Sheets, Dropbox, etc. in case this is something you need to generate on a regular basis.

Co-Founder / Developer at Highview Apps
Our Shopify Apps: EZ Exporter | EZ Inventory | EZ Importer | EZ Notify | EZ Fulfill

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17 1 4

Hello @Unaas,


This is Andrii from Mipler: Advanced Reports and I'm excited to connect with you here!

I noticed that you have a topic that hasn't been marked as solved and I believe our application could help.


Mipler offers several built-in Fulfillments reports, among which are Fulfilled Orders. To make the report fit your needs, simply open it and add a filter for today's date, which our team can help you with. Here's an example of such a fulfillments report with fake data:


You can customize the report by adding filters and columns as needed. If you need assistance, our support team is always ready to help.


You can explore it through the following link: Mipler: Advanced Reports

We offer a free 7-day trial, and our support team is ready to create any report you need.


Just send us a request, and we’ll provide a complete solution promptly.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 🙂



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