Shipping - 2 Profiles - Charging Shipping Twice

Shipping - 2 Profiles - Charging Shipping Twice

1 0 0

Hello guys,


I have 2 products: Chocolate (ships only EU+ apefest pickup) and T-Shirt (ships eu and all world + apefest pickup)


I made 2 different profiles: 1 for EU (chocolate) and second for eu and whole world (t-shirt)


When someone order chocolate and t-shirt for eu shipping it charges shipping twice because of 2 profiles.. 


Could anyone help me how to solve this? 


The thing is, that I cannot ship chocolate outside of EU but I can send T-Shirt everywhere. When People combine the order it charges shipping twice and I dont know how to solve it.


It says order will arrive in 2 shipments which is not true because I am sending all at once.

Grateful Ape
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
68 1 8

@Grateful_Ape that's the limitation of Shopify default shipping settings you have faced with:
1) If you have items from multiple Profiles in Cart then shipping rates are always summed up. This cannot be changed.
2) Shipping Zones are set within the Profile, which means you cannot set different Zones for products which are in the same Profile.
I believe you should consider using 3rd party apps such as Calcurates. Your scenario is very straightforward and can be easily solved with our app.

Co-founder & CEO at Calcurates. Accurate shipping rates and unique shipping rules for Shopify made simple.
Apps: Calcurates: Accurate Shipping | Calcurates: Estimated Shipping