Re: Shipping based on weight and customer tag

Shipping based on weight and customer tag

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we need a shipping calculator based on weight and a specific customer tag.


For example:


The different items have a weight of 10kg - now the calculator should multiple this weight by a factor for example 2€/k. So the shipping cost would be 20€. This specific formula should only be displayed to one customer group with a specific tag though, so all other customers get the regular freight rates.


Thanks for your upcoming help.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
274 28 41

Hello @Nelzoni 

We can help you setup this with our app, JsRates. If you are keen, install the app and reach out to our support team via "Contact support" in the app. We will help you with the setup. JsRates has a free demo plan to install and setup the rates. You will also need the third party calculated shipping rate activated on your store to use JsRates at checkout.

Founder @ JsRates: Custom Shipping Rates
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Shopify Partner
408 25 71

Hi @Nelzoni ,

This is possible using our app ShipMagic. You can use the app to calculate different rates by multiplying the weight with different factors. Next, you can use the Shipping Customizations feature in the app to show only the correct rate to a customer with a specific tag.


Reach out to the customer support present in the app for a demo about this setup.

Automate & bulk assign products to shipping profile: Auto Shipping Profiles: Shipr
Calculate accurate shipping rates: Shipping Calculator: ShipMagic
Hide, rename, reorder payment methods at checkout: Payment Customization: PayMix