Shipping - Default Package Size

Shipping - Default Package Size

16 0 16

Reposting this here because I'm not getting any replies where it was originally posted. That question was marked solved, however there are many people there still seeking answers.


The issue is regarding the fact that you can only have ONE default shipping box that is used to calculate rates.


You should at least be able to set default packaging options by market. Our USA orders tend to be smaller since shipping is less expensive, customers will order single items more frequently. However, our International customers plan carefully and fill boxes to make shipping as economical as possible. With only one default packaging, we have to err on the side of International orders coming out correct because a small change in weight can swing the shipping cost by double. But this means practically all USA orders are overcharged, maybe only slightly, but it feels unnecessary.


It should not take a rather expensive paid app to sort this out. Please let us AT LEAST specify default packaging by market.



Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
68 1 8

Hi @MNonlineseller
I am not sure this is currently possible to solve without a 3rd party shipping calculation app, which can help you apply multiple packages (instead of just one predefined) in order to achieve shipping rates accuracy.

Co-founder & CEO at Calcurates. Accurate shipping rates and unique shipping rules for Shopify made simple.
Apps: Calcurates: Accurate Shipping | Calcurates: Estimated Shipping
16 0 16

Right, that's my complaint. This would affect practically all stores that ship internationally or ship even two products of disparate size. It's insane that Shopify pushes this functionality to expensive 3rd party apps. It's a no-brainer to at least let us specify a default package by market.