Accepting credit cards, warehouses, and shipping and fulfilling orders
I have several shipping options. Two are pick-up (free at different locations) and others are pay (USPS). The free options always appear by default when a purchase is made and customers aren't paying attention and leaving it free. Is there a way to change the order of my shipping options? Can I put free at the bottom?
Hey, @carolinathreadz!
By default, the checkout system will select the cheapest shipping option available. At this time, there wouldn't be a way to alter how the shipping rates appear; however; this makes for a great feature request! I've gone ahead and created a feature request on your behalf, so our teams are aware that this is a wanted feature. Hopefully, this will be something we can launch in the future to better assist the needs of your business.
In the meantime, how do you currently have the rates titled? Are you using an app for the free in-store pick-up options?
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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Thanks for the fast reply. After I posted that message...I found several other topics on here where Shopify customers are having the same issue. We have been told for what looks like YEARS that a feature request has been submitted. Has it really been submitted and if so, what is taking so long? It really is a simple request.
Thanks for your support.
Hello Peter
I am curious to know how many other users have been told in the past that this feature has been added. Its a nice way to make us feel special which I appreciate but surely it cannot be so difficult to allow us to choose which shipping options is selected by default? I too offer self-collection as an option but as its free Shopify selects it by default. It is getting to a point where I am considering removing this option as so many people make the error of leaving it and then confirming their order without accepting/paying for delivery fees. The implication of this is that we need to contact every customer who selects this option in order to make certain that was not a mistake and that they are indeed coming to collect their package.
Please, please, please can you guys seriously give this some attention. Its a problem that has been carrying on for years and I cannot understand why it goes unaddressed.
Thank you, Terry
@Terry_Erasmus , @carolinathreadz
Thank you for providing specific details on how this affects your business directly. I can fully appreciate how it would be frustrating not to see these features added to the platform, especially given that older threads are requesting similar features. I can assure you that your feedback has been sent over to our Products team for further review.
As you can imagine, we receive hundreds of feature requests from our store owners, which our Product teams review daily. Our teams are working hard on making changes that will impact store owners to help build them for success; however; these things can take time. What may seem like a simple change, does typically require a lot of hours, testing, and trial and error before a finished product/feature is released. As we grow, so do our teams, so while previous years it may have taken longer for features to be created, we are now seeing new features launched more quickly.
I hope that helps provide a bit of insight into the "why," however; I know that it doesn't solve the issue at hand. While the information I'm able to provide is limited, I can say that this specific feature request is in consideration. Should our teams be able to make this a reality, we'll update our Changelog to make everyone aware.
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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I'm not entirely sure why certain features are picked over the others, however; I do know that we have a "Voice of The Merchant" survey which we run throughout the year to obtain feedback from store owners so we can understand where the pain points are. That feedback is provided to multiple teams so we can work toward improving our platform in future updates. That said, no process is ever perfect, and there's always room for improvements. I don't think we send a survey out for feature requests specifically, but this is something I can put on the radar of our leadership team so they can look into getting this setup.
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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Are we going to get this feature ever? Now its been almost two years since this post and they said its already been asked for for years. I guess its just clearly not being worked on at all is it?
Hello Peter,
Can you please confirm the status of that feature request made 6 months ago? I also need it for my store. I am having the same problem as Carolina, customers aren't paying attention and leave it in-store pickup while they live far away...
Thank you for letting me know this is a feature you'd like to see added to the platform. I've added your vote to the existing feature request, so our teams know there is further interest in getting this developed. I'm afraid I'm unable to provide any further insight or context beyond your feedback has been shared internally with our product team for discussion/review.
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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Please add me to the voting process - allowing us to edit the shipping order.
This should be quite straightforward with simple drag and drop like your Online Store creation is.
thank you
Bump! This is the exact issue I am having.
We would also like to be added to the vote count please. We have so many issues with exactly this, where customers don't pay attention to the shipping options and we have to constantly reach out to them to ask if they want shipping when they live in a different state. It's incredibly time consuming and takes away from other things that could be worked on.
Adding my vote to this as well. If we were able to manually set the order of this feature our customers would be forced to more thoughtfully review the options. We are always having to fix this post checkout and it reflects poorly on our customer experience.
Hey, everyone.
Thank you for the increased interested in this feature request. I wanted to chime in here and let you know that your votes have been added.
Trevor | Community Moderator @ Shopify
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I'm not sure but I think I may have solved the problem by removing the weight on the 'pick up' option. Is it possible that because there is no weight listed it now doesn't appear first as the cheapest option? I have had no complaints since I changed it. Would love to know if that solves the issue for others.
@gemit3dart I tried this and it worked when I added 1kg to the by weight (it put the free shipping pick up in-store at the end) - but then I went to purchase an item on our site and it didn't show up as a ship option. So I changed to lighter weight and then it put it right back up at the top. Could you put a point by point example of what you changed? I would LOVE to have a resolution for our store as well. Adding my voice to the chorus of please fix this. We've had to create a Shipping in Canada product that we routinely have to send to customers. Causing a lot of time suck on my staff and lumpy customer service, delayed shipping and in a few cases grumpy customers that we had to offer free shipping to make happy. I've tried re-wording and all caps and still, it gets routinely chosen.
Please please please please please add this feature. We set up our shop not three days ago and this exact issue has arisen twice already!
We need this feature too.
We have a free pickup at store option.
As this option is free, it is selected by default.
customers just leave it that way an wonder why nothing is delivered.
This disturbs the business of my client. He has to follow up all those "wrong" orders ....
Please add at least a setting for a default shipping method.
Ok. Covid-19 is here and Shopify's absolute laziness to get this simple issue resolved is now needed by 1000s of stores.
Working from home or where ever. This is one of the highest priority fixes for us.
Please announce what time this week (4/2/2020) we will see this upgrade - i hate to use the word upgrade to such a basic need.
I found this app that appears to offer a decent fix for this but it is another $30/mo and require quite a bit of setup. It seems a lot of places are using it that are doing curbside pickups and deliveries. I would rather pay this company $30 than Shopify another $270 a month for this simple fix that they are proving they don't care about the little guy.
oh no! I had no idea, I hadn't went through the process to get that far. 😞
Let's keep posting on this topic to get it pushed up the line! Not sure if that will help or not.
Hi Trevor! Please add me to this feature request! The ability to change the order of shipping options is very important to my businesses. Thanks.
Hello Trevor, has there been any recent news on this feature request! It is something I am certainly looking to do as I have the same problem as mentioned by others - I wish to set the delivery price automatic but also allow the customer to select free collection!
Not a chance. This is beyond low hanging fruit. It is rotting on the ground. They clearly have some ulterior motives for not making this easy fix.
Hi Is there no movement on this. It really is a pain without this feature and causes us loads of manual calls and changes a day as Customers pick the first on the list by default without reading then realise they've picked the cheapest which is In-Store Pickup but want it shipped like 95% of other orders. Can't fix with a shipping configuration as you have all of Ireland as one zone so nothing I can do here but put up with this very poor simple to fix issue.
This seems to have been requested and voted on and bumped for years any chance of a straight answer as to when/if this will be released rather then the standard "Request Submitted"
Dear Peter,
This is obviously a HUGE issue for all of us! It is making our customers mad, and also is taking up time having to deal with it. During this Covid epidemic, many of us are relying on curbside delivery to keep our businesses alive. Surely Shopify can help out during these difficult times as I'm sure this coding is not that difficult! And besides if thousands of businesses go out of business, then that is less customers for Shopify so why not just help out in order to retain more customers PLEASE!!!!
Im just checking if there is any solution to this issue? I do offer Click&Collect so we have free shipping option. However some customers don't put much attention and when going via express checkout they dont check the shipping. I have to hunt them down later on for the shipping costs (we have more local pickups than the missed shipping cases). Is there any way to sort this issue? I see it goes back to 2013 at least so thought someone might have actually look into in.
It's incredible that Shopify still don't offer the ability to re-order the shipping rates.... seems such a simple thing! I'm using a different workaround ( which I don't think has been mentioned ) which also isn't ideal but works for me and might for others in certain cases.... essentially I add ( or create ) a variant of each product called "Delivery" and set it as "Courier" or "Collection from <wherever>" Since variants CAN be ordered how you like, the default is just set to Courier. This also gets around the various issues with Shopify's local pickup option ( not being able to use PayPal etc etc ) because you select delivery at the add to cart stage rather than later, and you just add those variants to the appropriate shipping policy ( which is free. )
It's a pain having to duplicate all products you want to make collectable like this, but not too bad, and a programmer could probably create them automatically using the API ( not looked into that because we only have a few such products. )
I won’t definitely have patience or time to go this way...I was secretly hoping they will get the hint that it’s something really needed especially nowdays while shops are closed till the restrictions are loosened up.
You could take a look at Shopify's "Pickup and local delivery" to see if that will work for you. This separates your Pickup options from your Shipping options
That is clearly not what any of us are looking for in this thread and not a useful solution. We want to re-order the shipping options. Period. We know about the pickup and delivery - and this is absolutely amazing, for anyone looking at pickup at their own location or delivery. Some of us do not have pickup at our addresses and cannot use these options. We want to use different fees on the shipping and not have the 0$ amount first because customers do not read and are unhappy with the selection they have made and as store owners we cannot fix this.
Exactly Sarah, I offer pick up and it works fine in regular checkout but all drama starts when customers use shopify express checkout as pick up is set as default (as the cheapest option).
Simple solution is needed. How hard that could be for a software developer?
Also lack of zones for UK is driving me bonkers but have my way around that.
I agree its not what some of my clients need either. They maintain inventory at a central location not at the pickup locations, and Shopify's pickup solution ties in with location inventory management. So we need the pickup option with the Shipping options.
But it is the only solution Shopify has provided that helps remove the confusion of pickup vs shipping options. It has also only been around for maybe a year, whereas this issue has been repeatedly reported since 2014 or earlier in multiple threads.
Well, Shopify need to find another solution. Businesses, especially a small business like ours, are not one size fits all. To expect that small businesses upgrade to Plus at over 10 times the cost for what seems to be a very soughtafter and simple change is really not cool.
+1 for manually sorting shipping options.
We have just switched to shopify (because we had been told how good it was) and are having the same problem as so many others. The pickup option often shows up without the other shipping options and customers are getting confused and choosing pickup even though they live in another state.
This is very frustrating and causes a lot of additional work chasing up customers for postage costs, it also makes the customers very unhappy
which reflects badly on our business.
This needs to be fixed.
I'm having the exact same problem. Looks like other folks have been begging for this option for at least 5 years. Such an easy fix. Looks like Shopify has no interest in changing it.
I've come up with a solution.
I changed the Local Pickup option cost from Free to $100.00 and changed the "rate name" information to tell my local customers to ignore the $100 price. This will list the cheapest shipping option first.
So, previously my site said at check out:
Now it says:
It's not as good as Shopify modifiying the software, but it at least keeps my Non Local buyers from choosing the wrong shipping option because it defaults to the cheapest option.
Thanks for the idea!
I'm truly embarrassed for Shopify that its customers have to resort to such a bush league fix for this issue that has been ongoing for years.
But doesn't it end up charging the customer's $100?
Interested in your solution here, but I don't understand what you mean by ignore the $100 - this would be charged at the checkout and they would be debited the extra $100 on their credit card - not sure my customers would appreciate that so I am not sure how you get round this and surprised no one else has asked.
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