Shipping rate with printful

Shipping rate with printful

49 0 11



I'm currently setting up shipping in my shopify store. I use printful as my POD provider and they have specific rate that I cant have directly on my shopify store. How can I use the printfulk rates on my shop? I dont want to overcharge my customer. Thanks!

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
68 1 8

Hi @bobylands,
Please check my response in this thread - 

Co-founder & CEO at Calcurates. Accurate shipping rates and unique shipping rules for Shopify made simple.
Apps: Calcurates: Accurate Shipping | Calcurates: Estimated Shipping
49 0 11



That could be nice, is the app free? 

Shopify Partner
68 1 8

It's not, but our pricing is flexible and based on the usage (number of shipping calculations the app does for your Shopify checkout). And our team provides you with a free initial app setup.

Co-founder & CEO at Calcurates. Accurate shipping rates and unique shipping rules for Shopify made simple.
Apps: Calcurates: Accurate Shipping | Calcurates: Estimated Shipping
49 0 11

I would NEVER pay 69$/month just to have accurate shipping prices which can probably be made by yet another free app, yikes


Shopify Partner
68 1 8

@bobylands makes sense, if there is a low orders volume and shipping loses are relatively low. For smaller stores we offer a "Pay-As-You-Go" plan with no subscription fee. You only pay for every shipping calculation being made at checkout.
For sure, you may try to search for a cheaper and simpler app as our app is aiming to solve complicated shipping scenarios and calculations. Those Printful shipping rates look pretty simple.

Co-founder & CEO at Calcurates. Accurate shipping rates and unique shipping rules for Shopify made simple.
Apps: Calcurates: Accurate Shipping | Calcurates: Estimated Shipping