Shop pay installments

Shop pay installments

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Has anyone experienced trouble with failed payouts with the shop pay installments? I looked through older boards and there were several but looking for new ones and what was done to fix it. 
It has been over a month since the purchase on my site and a month of failed transfers. I have completed everything asked of me but still getting the run around! It keeps coming back as wrong bank information for the deposit but they have taken money out of this same account for refunds on this same transaction! Just doesn’t make sense to me. Just want answers and enough with the excuses. 
This started in March but I have not changed 

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
3076 300 537

Hey, @LiaJet.


Thanks for reaching out and bringing this to our attention.


If you're experiencing failed payouts with Shop Pay Installments, then it looks like we'll need to access your account in order to resolve the issue. While we're unable to provide account-specific support via the Shopify Community, we'd be happy to continue assisting you through live chats. Please visit the Shopify Help Center and login to your account to create a support request.


If you have any other questions on this topic, then don't hesitate to let us know.

Elias | Social Care @ Shopify 
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