Re: Shopify not charging for shipping on all items

Shopify not charging for shipping on all items

3 0 3

My Shopify store is not charging shipping on all items.  This is a substantial cost to me as you can imagine.  All products appear to be set up the same, but sometimes the customer gets charged shipping, other times they don't.  Can anyone help?

Replies 5 (5)

1 0 1

I’m having the same issue! Or when a customer orders one thing it charges shipping but when another customer orders multiple things it doesn’t charge them! Someone please help!

3 0 3

I found that Shopify had a setting that automatically gave free shipping on orders over $50.  Can't remember where I found it.  But that was my issue.  Good luck

Shopify Partner
1 0 3

Thank you! Worked perfectly to fix issue. I don't know why I didn't notice it before.

  1. Go to settings
  2. Shipping and Delivery
  3. In the Shipping card, select "Manage Rates"
  4. The "Free Shipping" for $50 and up should be the 1st shipping rate
  5. Delete or edit this rate
1 0 1

thank you!

126 6 27

Hey @Turtlecloud,

Can you please include screenshots of your shipping configuration? Without seeing your setup, it's impossible to know why rates aren't returning.

From the limited context, it sounds like you haven't configured your shipping to include all cart combinations. For example, if you charge based on weight, you may only have weight-based pricing configured for up to 10lbs, but the order in the cart may be 10.1lbs or higher. If it isn't configured, it cannot calculate a rate since the system wouldn't know what to do. 


Warm regards,

Co-Founder / CEO @ Intuitive Shipping Inc.
Intuitive Shipping | Smart Boxing | Automate Shipping Profiles