Show Shipping Address on Completed Orders

Show Shipping Address on Completed Orders

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When we look at our orders in the Shopify app it’s showing the billing address instead of the default/shipping address. The default/shipping address does show in the customers profile but I’m wondering how I can show it on the orders instead of the billing address as in some cases the customer might still have their card linked to an old address (my client just accidentally got a package returned to them due to this). Is there a setting I have to change or a code I need to add to the file for orders?


I did a search and haven’t really been able to find any info on this. Any help is appreciated!



Replies 6 (6)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1457 105 199

Hi, @Catatonique.


Thank you for reaching out! 


Are you able to share a screenshot of where you are looking for this? I just need some more context and information before I can help you with this. -Emily 

Emily | Social Care @ Shopify 
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New Member
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Basically where it says billing address here we would rather have the shipping address to make sure it gets to the right destination. Or at least both showing if that’s how it has to be.



Shopify Staff
1420 324 256

Thanks for this screenshot, @Catatonique! If a customer entered a shipping address and a billing address, both of them should actually appear in this area. Since you only see the billing address, there's a likelihood they didn't enter a shipping address at checkout.


Are the products they ordered physical products? The only time they wouldn't need to enter a shipping address is if they ordered digital products. You can double-check by tapping each of the products on the order page to view the respective product pages. In the product page, you can tap Shipping where there's a toggle for Physical product. If it's a digital product, there will be a note there that says Customer shipping details won't be collected at checkout. 


Let us know what you find out! 

Summer | Social Care @ Shopify 
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New Member
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So do they have to enter the shipping address on each order for it to show?

This is a repeat customer who has done 11 orders with us, he moved and updated his default address in his account.

I see his first order says “Shipping and billing address” then on his third order it has “Shipping address” then a separate “Billing address” then after that all the orders just show the “Billing address”. I’m trying to figure out how this all works and if there’s a way by default to show both addresses on orders just to be safe. We’d rather have more information than needed than send packages to the wrong location.

All the items on our site are physical items, so there’s no chance of a digital order.
New Member
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Following up on this…

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1242 132 167

Hi, @Catatonique!


I recommend contacting our live support team so we can investigate this further and determine why the shipping address isn't appearing. While we’re not able to provide account-specific support via social media at this time, we’d be happy to continue assisting you through our Help Center. Simply enter the details of your issue into the chat assistant and click I still need help to be connected with a Support Advisor. 


Please let me know if you have any other questions! 

Greta | Shopify 
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