Strange error message when I try to set up USA shipping

Strange error message when I try to set up USA shipping

12 0 6

I am trying to remove the USA from the default International shipping zone (To give it it's own zone). Whenever I remove it I get a confusing error message saying: 

"To edit this profile, 1 change is required:

Locations you've added rates for can't use the same transit time as other location(s) because they are in different countries. To save this profile, select 'manage' for those locations to create new rates. Learn more about setting up transit times for different locations."

This error prevents me from saving the existing set up or editing any of the existing shipping rate settings. I can add a new USA zone but this changes nothing and I'm still prevented from saving. I have already moved the USA into its own market under the Markets section. 

Any advice is much appreciated! 
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I'm having the same issue. Did you ever get a solution?