Unable to process a payment (Message received: Customer card has expired)

Unable to process a payment (Message received: Customer card has expired)

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Today Morning, I received one order from UK. 


On my time line, it is showing that "Unable to process a payment for £25.23 GBP using a Visa ending in XXXX.


Moreover, it is also showing that card has expired


Please guide me, how to resolve it & what message need to deliver to my customer. 


Should I process the order?


Thank you. 


Payment error 1.jpgPayment error 2.jpg

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2398 162 284

Hi, @nafisuddin.


Thanks for reaching out and sharing your question here in the community!


Upon reviewing the screenshots you've shared, it looks as though the customer's payment method has expired. Therefore, the payment was not successful and the order cannot be processed.


I recommend reaching out and communicating with the customer so they can ensure all card details and information are correct. I also suggest the customer to contact their payment provider/bank provider directly to ensure there are no issues on their end. 


Once your customer has contacted their bank and confirmed no further issues, you can create a draft order for them. You can send them an invoice where your customer can use a secure checkout link to complete the payment. You can learn more through our resource on how to create a draft order, share checkout link with customers and accept payments. 


I'd love to learn more about your online business! What are you currently working on and have you already looked into creating a social media marketing strategy for your business? If not, I'll share a great Shopify blog resource we have on 7 Easy Steps to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy.

Victoria | Shopify 
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