Unable to see phone number in the checkout not SMS settings in the admin

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Hi all,

I'm in a process of exploring few functionalities around SMS notifications for our store. However, I'm unable to find the phone number field in the customer registration neither can I see SMS notifications  (https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/orders/notifications/sms-notifications) in the admin. The "Customers can check out using either their phone number or email" is selected in Settings -> Checkout -> Customer Contact.

Please help me identify what is missing in my configuration.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
2805 274 490

Hi, @bhagya19.

This is Elias from Shopify Support. I'd be happy to lend a hand with this!

The phone number field for SMS shipping updates appears in the order status page and can be enabled in your Checkout settings. The customer account registration doesn't capture the phone number by default; however, your theme can be customized to capture this info. If your store uses a Shopify-supported theme and subscribed to a plan, our Theme Support team can help with a number of customizations. For a list of unsupported customizations, please reference our design policy

While we're unable to provide account-specific support via the Community Forums, we'd be happy to assist you through live chat, email, or callback. Please visit Shopify Help Center and log into your account to create a customization request. 

Here's where the SMS update setting is located in the Checkout settings:

Here's where the number field for SMS shipping updates appears on the order status page:

Let me know if this is what you're looking for?

Elias | Social Care @ Shopify 
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