Unverified Address - New apartment buildings and I can't ship to

Unverified Address - New apartment buildings and I can't ship to

18 1 18

I have an order to ship to new university student apartments that I know just were built with a new street address. I am getting the following error :

Shipping address not recognized by USPS. Edit shipping address and try again.
I've verified with the customer the address, but cannot get through this error message. Even though I am shipping UPS. I've tried editing the order with minor edits, changing shipping, etc. Nothing.
I suppose I could try adding the address to Google, but I am not familiar enough or comfortable doing so, not that it would probably help in time. 
Anyways, any solutions?
Reply 1 (1)

18 1 18

Whelp, turns out they had the wrong city associated with the zip code. After changing it, it went through. Fingers crossed now it gets delivered.