Uploading Shipments shipped on Landmark returns a 422 error

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When ever i try to upload Landmark shipments via an application I created in Visual Studio, Landmark shipments return the following error.

The remote server returned an error: (422) Unprocessable Entity.

This seems to be only related to Landmark. When we upload Fedex, and USPS, we do not get the same message.

We are sending the following data (JSON)

jason data : {"fulfillment": {"location_id":253919251,"tracking_numbers": ["LPR001190211005083320579"],"tracking_url": "https://track.landmarkglobal.com/?search=LPR001190211005083320579","tracking_company": "LANDMARK","notify_customer": true, "line_items": [{ "id": 10430040899671},{ "id": 10430040932439}]}}

This works with Fedex and USPS, just not Landmark.


Any thoughts?




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