What does a medium fraud analysis mean on an order?


What does a medium fraud analysis mean on an order?

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I recently received an order with a medium fraud analysis, I am not too sure how to interpret it because the it says "Billing street address doesn't match credit card's registered address" but then it also says "Billing address ZIP or postal code matches the credit card's registered address". 


I have attached a full screenshot below, what should I do with an order like this? 



Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
2395 220 635

This is an accepted solution.

To me that sounds legit, because sometimes credit cards format addresses differently, for example by 123 North 5th Avenue could also be 123 N 5th Ave.


In any case, you could reach out to the customer to let them know your fraud system triggered an alert, and ask for clarification.


In my experience most of the time medium risk orders are safe. In some data analysis I did on a bunch of stores, 0 - 10% of orders that were medium risk resulted in a chargeback (most stores it was 0%, some had an occasional chargeback).

If you talk to the customer and everything seems normal, that could give you the confidence to realize why it got flagged. If you talk to them and they seem avoidant or sketchy, that could be a reason to cancel the order and ask them to use a different payment method.

I wrote a guide for dealing with medium / high risk orders, and chargebacks, it also includes a template you can use to contact customers of risky orders. Feel free to check it out here: https://orderautomator.com/fraud-guide


• Creator of Shopify automation apps Order Automator + Product Automator [apps that save you time + money]
• Shopify developer for 10+ years, store owner for 7 years
• I also make guides like Shopify Automation Tips and How to Figure Out Why You're Not Getting Sales

View solution in original post

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
2395 220 635

This is an accepted solution.

To me that sounds legit, because sometimes credit cards format addresses differently, for example by 123 North 5th Avenue could also be 123 N 5th Ave.


In any case, you could reach out to the customer to let them know your fraud system triggered an alert, and ask for clarification.


In my experience most of the time medium risk orders are safe. In some data analysis I did on a bunch of stores, 0 - 10% of orders that were medium risk resulted in a chargeback (most stores it was 0%, some had an occasional chargeback).

If you talk to the customer and everything seems normal, that could give you the confidence to realize why it got flagged. If you talk to them and they seem avoidant or sketchy, that could be a reason to cancel the order and ask them to use a different payment method.

I wrote a guide for dealing with medium / high risk orders, and chargebacks, it also includes a template you can use to contact customers of risky orders. Feel free to check it out here: https://orderautomator.com/fraud-guide


• Creator of Shopify automation apps Order Automator + Product Automator [apps that save you time + money]
• Shopify developer for 10+ years, store owner for 7 years
• I also make guides like Shopify Automation Tips and How to Figure Out Why You're Not Getting Sales