Why are my product prices automatically lowering on their own?

Why are my product prices automatically lowering on their own?

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I’m having issues with my product prices being updated ( lower cost ) automatically! I do not have any 3rd part inventory apps and my currency is US dollars . It’s such a BIG INCONVENIENCE! Please help ASAP ! 

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
693 28 116

How are you wanting to update them automatically? Can you flesh that out a bit?

Shopify Staff
2067 273 248

Hi @Buffydadon25,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community! I'm happy to provide some assistance with this request, to ensure it gets resolved. To confirm, have you made any customizations to your themes code?


If not, I'd encourage you to connect with us directly. This will allow our support team to take a closer look, as I wouldn't have access to any account details through the Community. They will be able to investigate further and ensure this gets resolved. 


Please let me know if you have any other questions. 

Blair | Shopify 
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