Why aren't all shipping rates displaying for customers in Ontario?

Why aren't all shipping rates displaying for customers in Ontario?

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Shipping rates are not being displayed to customers from certain places in ontario and am not sure why because all of canada should be covered in my shipping profile its not even showing the custom shipping rates i added not even the default rates will show

It just tells the customer that we dont ship to their location

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1746 173 325

Hi @Storeownercanad

If you pop into Settings > Shipping and delivery, how many shipping profiles do you see and how many shipping zones are covered in those shipping profiles, please? Here is a screenshot from my test store for reference:

And if you click on each shipping zone and select "Show more" next to the title of each shipping zone, are you certain that every region you want to ship to is included in that zone? Here's mine again for reference:

As I cannot access your store from my role as a contributor in the community, I will have to rely on screenshots from you to get a better sense of what is going on.


So could you please send me screenshots of the shipping profiles, shipping zones, and your locations so that I can get a better sense of the context and what may be happening?

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