Why costumers do not see their countries but shows admins location only to them?

Why costumers do not see their countries but shows admins location only to them?

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What did I Do wrong in my settings Why costumers do not see their countries but shows admins location only to them?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1702 178 286


Thanks for getting in touch.


If your customers are unable to see their location at checkout, it is likely that the correct shipping profiles and rates have not been set up. To address this issue, consider creating a new shipping profile that includes the specific countries you have in mind for shipping. Then based on the countries, you can input your rates. By setting this up, you can ensure that customers can view and select their location during the checkout process.


We would be more than happy to continue assisting you through our Help Center. To access our live support, you can ask the Virtual Shopify Assistant to "contact support." It will guide you on the next steps to connect with a team member who can provide further assistance tailored to your account.

Mac | Social Care @ Shopify 
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