Why does one product prevent checkout on my online store?

Why does one product prevent checkout on my online store?

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I am ordering my first order to check the process (2 tees ordered on my shopify shop and shipped by my supplier TPOP). When checking out, one of the tee triggers the following message : 

"No delivery available

This item will be removed from your cart because there are no delivery methods available for your address".
When I suppress the item the other tee can be bought.
Has anyone solutioned the issue ?
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Shopify Partner
510 52 86

It looks like the mentioned product is in a different shipping profile, and you may not have configured shipping rates for that profile.


I have created Shopify Checkout Rate Troubleshooting Steps. I hope this helps.

Co-Founder / CEO @ PluginHive
Shipping Automation | FedEx shipping | Multi-carrier shipping | Shipment Tracking | Australia Post shipping