Why is my business tax ID not matching my company name?

Why is my business tax ID not matching my company name?

New Member
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I get this error, although I enter the correct ein and ssn and my company has registered more than 1 month. I can't remove it in any way: 

           Business tax id does not match company name. Please ensure that your legal business name is exactly as registered with the IRS. DBAs ("doing business as" names) can not be used in this registration.



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1725 148 312

Hi, @epicsalesvent!


Welcome to Shopify Community. Thank you so much for sharing your question with our network.


I'd be glad to shed some light into this issue for you and our future readers. There could be a few different reasons you are being presented with this error though it all comes down to the information being entered does not match the information in the IRS database. 


Sometimes you might be entering everything you can and still run into this error so let's explore some possible culprits:


  • Typos! Typos, special characters and unintended white spaces can all cause problems. When in doubt, type (don't copy/paste) your full business details as per the federal records shown on your IRS EIN Confirmation Letter (CP-575)
  • Doing business as names are not the same as what you are registered with
  • Finally, a newly issued EIN can also be the root case. In fact, the IRS can take anywhere from 30-60 days to fully update their database to reflect new EINs which means we cannot verify the information

As per your post, it sounds like the system just has not had enough time to catch up to be able to verify. 


I hope that answers your question, but let me know if I missed anything.

Warm regards,

Olivia | Social Care @ Shopify 
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