Why is my ID not accepted for business verification?

Why is my ID not accepted for business verification?

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I try to upload the id for Business verification, in identity verification ask for my drivers licenses, but when i upload said "The type of photo ID you submitted is not accepted as proof of identification. Please submit a passport or driver’s license instead".  so I use my passport said the same.   Can you help me?


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Staff
1511 169 264

Hi, @Tahimy69.


Just to confirm, the documents requested are to verify your Shopify Payments account, is that correct?


If this is the case, while we won't be able to access your account to look into the issues via the Community Forums here due to security reasons, I'll share a general guide below that you can follow on uploading documents:


  • If you're using a mobile device or tablet to submit your documents, try using a computer or laptop to see if the issues persist. You can also try uploading your documents from a different browser, or to clear your cookies and cache prior to uploading.
  • Make sure that you're uploading the correct file that is requested by our team, and for the correct person.
  • When uploading photo IDs, you'll need to make sure that they are .jpg and .png files only. For business registration and address documents, we can accept those same file types, as well as .pdf.
  • Double check your image files, as they need to be 8000px by 8000px or smaller.
  • The file size also needs to be 5MB or smaller.


We also have a thorough guide that you can go through on our forum post here, for more information on uploading documents and the account verification process for Shopify Payments.


If you're still having issues with uploading the photo ID on your end however, your next step is to contact our Live Support team. They'll be able to securely look into your account from our end and, if need be, escalate the situation to our Accounts team so that they can help verify the validity of your photo ID.


To get in touch with our team, you'll need to login to your store via our Help Center here. Once logged in, select a topic that best fits your query or situation. From there, you'll be taken to a page with a list of relevant support articles, and you can scroll to the bottom of that page to select your preferred contact method with our team.


Apart from your Shopify Payments account situation, how are you getting on with your store? Is there perhaps anything else that you'd like us to take a closer look at or help with?

Kimi | Social Care @ Shopify 
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New Member
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If you're having trouble uploading your ID for business verification and the system is rejecting both your driver's license and passport despite these being standard forms of identification, there are a few steps you can take. First, ensure that the images of your ID are clear, well-lit, and free of any glare, with all text and numbers clearly visible. Additionally, verify that the file format and size meet the platform's requirements. If the issue persists, try using a different browser or clearing your current browser's cache and cookies. If none of these solutions work, it's best to contact the platform's customer support for assistance, as there may be a technical issue on their end that needs to be resolved.