Why is my payout status still pending after a week?

Why is my payout status still pending after a week?

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My payout status has been pending for over a week now and I’m starting to get worried if it will transfer to my bank account. The payout date is January 8th so I have a couple of days. Is the payout status pending because it hasn’t transferred to my bank account or is it pending because of another issue? I have verified all my information on my Shopify store so I don’t think it has to do with anything regarding verification. The order that was fulfilled has been sent a tracking number but the label has only been created and isn’t in the system yet. Could this also be the reason? I’m just trying to figure out why the payout status says pending in my case.

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
1457 105 200

Hi, @LukeH326.


Thank you for reaching out! 


If your payout date is January 8th then no need to worry! The status of your payout will be in pending while it is being transferred to your bank. Once your bank has it, then it will transferred into your account. 


Please let me know if you have any further questions! I would love to learn more about your business. What type of products do you sell? 
Talk soon, 

Emily | Social Care @ Shopify 
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just curious, did you ever get paid? i’m in the same situation right now and it has me freaked out lol all my other payments went straight to my paypal because they paid me with paypal, but then i got 3 in a row with credit cards (my first 3 with credit cards yay). my dates are february 13 and 14, just really hoping that i get that money soon because i could really use it right now haha

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did you ever get paid? My payments have been pending for over a month now!