Why isn't Shopify returning my suspended store's payments?

Why isn't Shopify returning my suspended store's payments?

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I started my store, getting some orders after some weeks, on 14 April shopify suspended my store without any specific reason, and hold all my money. One of the clients reach us and say they already placed the order and know we won't a refund so we will tell him to chargeback so the money return to his account when the client opened chargeback shopify take money from our client but didn't give it back to the money into the client account, Customer get emails from the bank that disputes goes back to the favor of Merchant, How is it possible. We doesn't receive this money

Shopify Stole our money and didn't give it back to the customer. Our website already shut down and we can't access of our account
Amount 1180$ 
I have all proofs and emails with Shopify support and bank also
Thank you

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