Wrong transit time for Hawaii/Alaska/etc.

Wrong transit time for Hawaii/Alaska/etc.

14 0 19

USPS Ground Advantage takes over two weeks to reach Hawaii from the East Coast, but displays "4 Days". This is funny because California displays "5 days". USPS claims "2-5 day delivery" with a footnote excluding Hawaii, Alaska, etc. Is this footnote being ignored when it comes to calculating shipping times?



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
68 1 8

Hi @msellery, are you using a default Shopify integration with USPS with no ability to control est. delivery dates? In this case I can only suggest using a 3rd party shipping calculation app, where you can take control over est. delivery dates displayed at checkout. Our Calcurates app has this feature. We are happy to provide you with a free initial setup. Note, that for USPS rates you will need a Stamps.com account.

Co-founder & CEO at Calcurates. Accurate shipping rates and unique shipping rules for Shopify made simple.
Apps: Calcurates: Accurate Shipping | Calcurates: Estimated Shipping