Re: Your payment couldn’t be processed because your order total has changed. Check your order total

Your payment couldn’t be processed because your order total has changed. Check your order total and

2 0 1

I am tearing my hair out - no way to rectify this - can't get through to support.

If I apply any discount - and now no discount - I cannot place an order through the back end of my shop - which I need to do to record sales to suppliers. 

I can start a new order - no discount - still comes up with the same error message. 

I looked at previous answers and cleared my cache - didn't work.

Any ideas please - I can't get my orders placed. 

Thank you. 

Replies 10 (10)

Shopify Partner
15 1 1

Hi there. 🙂

To try and help you out with this, I'd like to ask...

... does it work in Incognito/Private browser window?
... are you trying to place the order via Orders > Create order in the admin or is this through your online website checkout?
... do you use any bundle or discount apps at all?
... for the discount code that was giving the error originally - is it active in the Discounts section?

Visit us online - HeyCally Web Design
2 0 1

Thank you for replying - we think this started when we increased the price of one of our products - since then it's not been working for us in the backend. 

I've tried it incognito and the same issue is happening. 

It's only happening if we try to place an order as admin.

It will be an issue if we try to place an order at full price or take a percentage off - both as admin.

We are not using any discount codes for this. 

Does that help at all? 


10 1 3

I just started experiencing the same issue!!! What is going on here? The only thing I did was add a Shopify Bundle App. The app itself didn't work so I removed it. Other than that nothing else. 

1 0 0

I face the same issue and till now, this is not rectify and i can official launch my store, people leave as they are not able to check out due to the error message.

Shopify Staff
2611 236 563

Hi @renecoonline,


If this issue is still ongoing, please contact our support team directly. They can authenticate you on your account and access your admin to see why this might be occurring.

Victor | Social Care @ Shopify 
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39 1 4

Hey Victor,


Quick question, I'm on test mode using Shopify payments,  after checkout out I don't receive an order confirmation.  Why is that? Is there something wrong ?




New Member
6 0 0

Hi, I’m french and I have the same problem. Nobody can order on my shop because of this…  Shopify support and Stripe support don’t find any solution for the moment… Someone can help me please? 😓

39 1 4

Mine is working now.  Try using stripe fake credit card numbers..its on the shopify text payments website. 

1 0 1

Try adding shipping rates it fixed for me,

1 0 0

This worked for me too.