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About grouping products with the same value without variants

About grouping products with the same value without variants

Shopify Partner
11 1 2

Hello, Dear Friends!

I have some issues, and wondering if you have a solution for this...


We have many products that are from the same family, they have different types, and we do not want to define one product for them with variants,

we want each product to stand on its own with the possibility of seeing the products from the same family,

what we want to do is link the products and give the customer to choose products with other colors from the same family on the products page, using a unitary value, which can be metafield with a name like "custom.group" etc, also we worry about the loading performance, so if every product search in all products store some metafeild for same value it can be slowing if we have more then 5000+ products its be a bed for performance.



The options we tried:

We already developing API integration for every new product added to the store sending webhooks and searching all products with the same value metafield (products.custom.group), which adds to the metaobject entry each group (products.custom.group), and adds the reference product by group name, but that lets us use something out of the Shopify, and we prefer using only Shopify.


We wonder, if have some Shopify native solution for this, if doesn't, the flow can help us with this?

I just trying to play with Shopify flow with the trigger of "When new product" do something like update metafield with all handles or product ids that are related to (same family) to the type of list,

because I don't see the option to add metaobject entry, but even have when we upload the bulk of products, we get an error of flow because the flow limited run time in a minute, so the only option in flow is to make Scheduled time, with another metafeild is_update = true / false.

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
9873 2352 2949

Hi @teddybear_d9,


You can use the collection to group those products. Then call the collection instead of the product. 


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Shopify Partner
11 1 2

I think about it, but I still need to create a collection for each group of products

so it acutely means creating flow, and its a good idea to use the collection for this?

Shopify Partner
9873 2352 2949

Yes, you need to

If this fixed your issue, Likes and Accept as Solution are highly appreciated. Coffee tips fuel my dedication.
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Shopify Partner
11 1 2

ok thanks (:

Shopify Partner
11 1 2

I think also maybe using a tag for each group and with metafeild of list with flow can be work to

7 0 1


Actually I am facing the same. 

We have about 4000 products. 

Currently we are linking the products in the metafield and then add the section into the product page template. See example below. 

I am still looking for a better way to automate this. 

I was thinking that maybe this could be done automatically based on tittles? Because the tittles are mostly the same only to have an color added to it. Or something else added to it.


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