Focusing on managing products, variants, and collections through the API.
I made some changes in my code to show swatches if the variant option is colors and dropdown if its sizes. I removed the render tag for "product-variant-options" and wrote the entire code on the "product-variant-picker.liquid".
{% comment %} Renders product variant-picker Accepts: - product: {Object} product object. - block: {Object} passing the block information. - product_form_id: {String} Id of the product form to which the variant picker is associated. - update_url: {Boolean} whether or not to update url when changing variants. If false, the url isn't updated. Default: true (optional). Usage: {% render 'product-variant-picker', product: product, block: block, product_form_id: product_form_id %} {% endcomment %} {%- liquid assign variants_available_arr = product.variants | map: 'available' assign variants_option1_arr = product.variants | map: 'option1' assign variants_option2_arr = product.variants | map: 'option2' assign variants_option3_arr = product.variants | map: 'option3' assign product_form_id = 'product-form-' | append: -%} {% unless has_only_default_variant %} {% for option in product.options_with_values %} {% if == 'Color' %} <variant-radios id="variant-radios-{{ }}" class="no-js-hidden" data-section="{{ }}" data-url="{{ product.url }}" {% if update_url == false %}data-update-url="false"{% endif %} {{ block.shopify_attributes }}> <fieldset class="js product-form__input"> <legend class="form__label">{{ }}</legend> {% for value in option.values %} {%- liquid assign option_disabled = true for option1_name in variants_option1_arr case option.position when 1 if variants_option1_arr[forloop.index0] == value and variants_available_arr[forloop.index0] assign option_disabled = false endif when 2 if option1_name == product.selected_or_first_available_variant.option1 and variants_option2_arr[forloop.index0] == value and variants_available_arr[forloop.index0] assign option_disabled = false endif when 3 if option1_name == product.selected_or_first_available_variant.option1 and variants_option2_arr[forloop.index0] == product.selected_or_first_available_variant.option2 and variants_option3_arr[forloop.index0] == value and variants_available_arr[forloop.index0] assign option_disabled = false endif endcase endfor -%} <input type="radio" id="{{ }}-{{ option.position }}-{{ forloop.index0 }}" name="{{ }}" form="{{ product_form_id }}" {% if option.selected_value == value %} checked {% endif %} {% if option_disabled %} class="disabled" {% endif %}> <label for="{{ }}-{{option.position}}-{{forloop.index0}}"> {{ value -}} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'products.product.variant_sold_out_or_unavailable' | t }}</span> </label> {% endfor %} </fieldset> <script type="application/json"> {{ product.variants | json }} </script> </variant-radios> {% else %} <variant-selects id="variant-selects-{{ }}" class="no-js-hidden" data-section="{{ }}" data-url="{{ product.url }}" {% if update_url == false %}data-update-url="false"{% endif %} {{ block.shopify_attributes }}> <div class="product-form__input product-form__input--dropdown"> <label class="form__label" for="Option-{{ }}-{{ forloop.index0 }}"> {{ }} </label> <div class="select"> <select id="Option-{{ }}-{{ forloop.index0 }}" class="select__select" name="options[{{ | escape }}]" form="{{ product_form_id }}"> {% for value in option.values %} {%- liquid assign option_disabled = true for option1_name in variants_option1_arr case option.position when 1 if variants_option1_arr[forloop.index0] == value and variants_available_arr[forloop.index0] assign option_disabled = false endif when 2 if option1_name == product.selected_or_first_available_variant.option1 and variants_option2_arr[forloop.index0] == value and variants_available_arr[forloop.index0] assign option_disabled = false endif when 3 if option1_name == product.selected_or_first_available_variant.option1 and variants_option2_arr[forloop.index0] == product.selected_or_first_available_variant.option2 and variants_option3_arr[forloop.index0] == value and variants_available_arr[forloop.index0] assign option_disabled = false endif endcase endfor -%} <option value="{{ value | escape }}" {% if option.selected_value == value %} selected="selected" {% endif %} > {% if option_disabled -%} {{- 'products.product.value_unavailable' | t: option_value: value -}} {%- else -%} {{- value -}} {%- endif %} </option> {% endfor %} </select> {% render 'icon-caret' %} </div> </div> <script type="application/json"> {{ product.variants | json }} </script> </variant-selects> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endunless %} <noscript class="product-form__noscript-wrapper-{{ }}"> <div class="product-form__input{% if product.has_only_default_variant %} hidden{% endif %}"> <label class="form__label" for="Variants-{{ }}"> {{- 'products.product.product_variants' | t -}} </label> <div class="select"> <select name="id" id="Variants-{{ }}" class="select__select" form="{{ product_form_id }}" > {%- for variant in product.variants -%} <option {% if variant == product.selected_or_first_available_variant %} selected="selected" {% endif %} {% if variant.available == false %} disabled {% endif %} value="{{ }}" > {%- liquid echo variant.title echo variant.price | money | strip_html | prepend: ' - ' if variant.available == false echo 'products.product.sold_out' | t | prepend: ' - ' endif if variant.quantity_rule.increment > 1 echo 'products.product.quantity.multiples_of' | t: quantity: variant.quantity_rule.increment | prepend: ' - ' endif if variant.quantity_rule.min > 1 echo 'products.product.quantity.minimum_of' | t: quantity: variant.quantity_rule.min | prepend: ' - ' endif if variant.quantity_rule.max != null echo 'products.product.quantity.maximum_of' | t: quantity: variant.quantity_rule.max | prepend: ' - ' endif # TODO: enable theme-check once `item_count_for_variant` is accepted as valid filter # theme-check-disable assign cart_quantity = cart | item_count_for_variant: # theme-check-enable if cart_quantity > 0 echo 'products.product.quantity.in_cart_html' | t: quantity: cart_quantity | prepend: ' - ' endif -%} </option> {%- endfor -%} </select> {% render 'icon-caret' %} </div> </div> </noscript>