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Re: Bulk operation is taking too long to display any significant objectCount parameter

Bulk operation is taking too long to display any significant objectCount parameter

Shopify Partner
45 4 8

First I've tried to upload a 157.1 MB file.

Unbeknownst to me was that Shopify only allows 20 MB files tops for bulk operations, but until that everything was fine.


I divided the file into smaller batches, now instead of over 1.4 M variants I was only trying to modify 157,400 at a time.


I needed to modify the price and the compare at price attribute of each of those variants.


It has been more than 2 hours since the bulk operation has been started, and as I've said, the objectCount is 0.
Screenshot 2022-12-08 at 16.03.14.png


The bulk operation was successful when I tried on a dev environment that I have, and I did another with few variants on production, so both the queries syntax and the overall structure of my jsonl are pretty cool.


It's normal that this happens, that a bulk operation takes this long?


I should upgrade my client account from Advanced to Plus?

What am I doing wrong?


Thanks for your attention.

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
8 0 5

Getting the same right now too. it's been over an hour. 

I'm doing a bulkOperationRunMutation with productVariantUpdate.

it's been over an hour

Current operation status: RUNNING, Objects processed: 0, Duration: 01:13:52, File size: None
Current operation status: RUNNING, Objects processed: 0, Duration: 01:14:03, File size: None
Current operation status: RUNNING, Objects processed: 0, Duration: 01:14:13, File size: None
Current operation status: RUNNING, Objects processed: 0, Duration: 01:14:24, File size: None

why is objects processed 0?

Shopify Partner
8 0 5

I was update price and cost in the same productVarientUpdate operation. 

I sepearted Price and Cost updating into sepearte bulk opeartions. 


Price updating seems to be quite fast.

It's inventory Cost that takes a long time. 

Cost updating took over half an hour to do 17,000 cost updates. 

I can live with that.

object count is still 0. It shoud show the count of varients updated as the object count. Not sure why it's not doing that. 



Any suggestions on how to do varient cost updating faster?