Dynamic BreadcrumbList Schema Markup with all displayed levels

Dynamic BreadcrumbList Schema Markup with all displayed levels

New Member
5 0 0

Hello Guys,


I'm trying to set some Schema markups without any plugin as I can't relate on apps for my project.


I'm not a dev so I'm struggling a bit on this. My goal is to have correctly implemented BreadcrumbList on my collection pages (I'll do it on product pages later, one step at a time... 😅)


I've implemented something that works for my url https://youroll.fr/collections/des-20-faces-a-lunite (it's on a duplicated theme so you can't test it on the prod). With my script below, the breadcrumb schema is correctly implemented on this url (with all the breadcrumb levels) BUT if I go on a mother url with less breadcrumb levels (like https://youroll.fr/collections/des-jdr), it's all broken.

Can you guys help me to implement conditions for my script to work on every pages regardless the breadcrumb levels number please ?

This is my script :

{%- if template contains 'product' -%}
  {%- capture product_url_string -%}{%- for collection in product.collections -%}{{collection.url }}|{%- endfor -%}{%- endcapture -%}
  {%- assign object_url_string = product_url_string | append: product.url -%}
{%- elsif template contains 'collection' and collection.handle -%}
  {%- capture object_url_string -%}/collections/{{ collection.handle }}{%- endcapture -%}
{%- elsif template contains 'page' -%}
  {%- capture object_url_string -%}/pages/{{ page.url }}{%- endcapture -%}
{% endif %}
{%- assign object_urls = object_url_string | split: '|' -%}
{%- capture linklist_titles_str -%}{%- for linklist in linklists -%}{{ linklist.title | handleize }}|{%- endfor -%}{%- endcapture -%}
{%- assign str_size = linklist_titles_str | size | minus: 1 -%}
{%- assign linklist_titles_str = linklist_titles_str | slice: 0, str_size -%}
{%- assign linklist_titles = linklist_titles_str | split: '|' -%}
{%- assign level = 1 -%}
{%- for link in linklists.main-menu.links -%}
  {%- assign link_handle = link.title | handle -%}
  {%- assign link_titles = link_titles | append: link.title | append: '|' -%}
  {%- assign link_urls = link_urls | append: link.url | append: '|' -%}
  {%- assign link_levels = link_levels | append: level | append: '|'  -%}
  {%- assign link_parents = link_parents | append: 'main-menu' | append: '|'  -%}
  {%- assign link_handles = link_handles | append: link_handle | append: '|' -%}
  {%- if linklist_titles contains link_handle -%}
    {%- for clink in linklists[link_handle].links -%}
      {%- if forloop.first == true -%}
        {%- assign level = level | plus: 1 -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {% assign clink_handle = clink.title | handle %}
      {%- assign link_titles = link_titles | append: clink.title | append: '|' -%}
      {%- assign link_urls = link_urls | append: clink.url | append: '|' -%}
      {%- assign link_levels = link_levels | append: level | append: '|'  -%}
      {%- assign link_parents = link_parents | append: link_handle | append: '|'  -%}
      {%- assign handle = link.title | handleize -%} 
      {%- assign link_handles = link_handles | append: clink_handle | append: '|' -%}
      {%- if linklist_titles contains clink_handle -%}
            {%- for gclink in linklists[clink_handle].links -%}
              {%- if forloop.first == true -%}
                {%- assign level = level | plus: 1 -%}
              {%- endif -%}
              {% assign gclink_handle = gclink.title | handle %}
              {%- assign link_titles = link_titles | append: gclink.title | append: '|' -%}
              {%- assign link_urls = link_urls | append: gclink.url | append: '|' -%}
              {%- assign link_levels = link_levels | append: level | append: '|'  -%}
              {%- assign link_parents = link_parents | append: clink_handle | append: '|'  -%}
              {%- assign link_handles = link_handles | append: gclink_handle | append: '|' -%}
              {%- if linklist_titles contains gclink_handle -%}
              {%- endif -%}
              {%- if forloop.last == true -%}
                {%- assign level = level | minus: 1 -%}
              {%- endif -%}
            {%- endfor -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {%- if forloop.last == true -%}
        {%- assign level = level | minus: 1 -%}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
  {%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- comment -%} CONVERT TO ARRAYS {%- endcomment -%}
{%- assign str_size = link_levels | size | minus: 1 -%}
{%- assign llevels = link_levels | slice: 0, str_size | split: '|' -%}
{%- assign str_size = link_titles | size | minus: 1 -%}
{%- assign ltitles = link_titles | slice: 0, str_size | split: '|' -%}
{%- assign str_size = link_handles | size | minus: 1 -%}
{%- assign lhandles = link_handles | slice: 0, str_size | split: '|' -%}
{%- assign str_size = link_parents | size | minus: 1 -%}
{%- assign lparents = link_parents | slice: 0, str_size | split: '|' -%}
{%- assign str_size = link_urls | size | minus: 1 -%}
{%- assign lurls = link_urls | slice: 0, str_size | split: '|' -%}

{%- assign depth = '3' -%}
{%- assign bc3_parent_list_handle = '' %}

{%- for url in lurls -%}
  {%- if object_urls contains url and llevels[forloop.index0] == depth -%}
    {%- unless url == product.url or url == collection.url -%}
      {%- capture bc3 -%}{{ ltitles[forloop.index0] | link_to: url, ltitles[forloop.index0] }}{%- endcapture -%}
    {%- endunless -%}
    {%- assign bc3_parent_list_handle = lparents[forloop.index0] -%}
    {%- assign bc3_list_handle = lhandles[forloop.index0] -%}
    {%- assign bc3_list_title = ltitles[forloop.index0] -%}
    {% break %}
  {%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}

{%- assign depth = '2' -%}
{%- assign bc2_parent_list_handle = '' %}

{%- if bc3_parent_list_handle == '' -%} 
  {%- for url in lurls -%}
    {%- if llevels[forloop.index0] == depth -%}
      {%- if object_urls contains url -%} 
        {%- unless url == product.url or url == collection.url -%}
          {%- capture bc2 -%}{{ ltitles[forloop.index0] | link_to: url, ltitles[forloop.index0] }}{%- endcapture -%}
        {% endunless %}
        {%- assign bc2_parent_list_handle = lparents[forloop.index0] -%}
        {%- break -%}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}
{%- else -%}
  {%- for list_handle in lhandles -%}
    {%- if list_handle == bc3_parent_list_handle -%}
      {% assign bc2_list_handle = list_handle %}
      {%- assign bc2_parent_list_handle = lparents[forloop.index0] -%}
      {%- assign bc2_list_title = ltitles[forloop.index0] -%}
      {%- for bc2_sibling_link in linklists[bc2_parent_list_handle].links -%}
        {%- assign bc2_sibling_title_handleized = bc2_sibling_link.title | handle -%}
        {% if bc2_sibling_title_handleized == bc2_list_handle %}
          {%- capture bc2 -%}{{ bc2_sibling_link.title | link_to: bc2_sibling_link.url, bc2_sibling_link.title }}{%- endcapture -%}
          {% break %}
        {%- endif -%}
      {%- endfor -%}
      {% break %}
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- assign depth = depth | minus: 1 | append: '' -%}
{%- assign bc1_parent_list_handle = '' %}
{%- if bc2_parent_list_handle == '' -%} 
  {% for url in lurls %}
    {%- if object_urls contains url and llevels[forloop.index0] == depth -%}
      {%- unless url == product.url or url == collection.url -%}
        {%- capture bc1 -%}{{ ltitles[forloop.index0] | link_to: url, ltitles[forloop.index0] }}{%- endcapture -%}
      {% endunless %}
      {%- assign bc1_parent_list_handle = lparents[forloop.index0] -%}
      {%- break -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}

{%- else -%}
  {%- for list_handle in lhandles -%}
    {%- if bc2_parent_list_handle == list_handle -%}
      {% assign bc1_list_handle = list_handle %}
      {%- assign bc1_parent_list_handle = lparents[forloop.index0] -%}
      {%- assign bc1_list_title = ltitles[forloop.index0] -%}
      {%- for bc1_sibling_link in linklists[bc1_parent_list_handle].links -%}
        {%- assign bc1_sibling_title_handleized = bc1_sibling_link.title | handle -%}
        {% if bc1_sibling_title_handleized == bc1_list_handle %}
          {%- capture bc1 -%}{{ bc1_sibling_link.title | link_to: bc1_sibling_link.url, bc1_sibling_link.title }}{%- endcapture -%} 
          {% break %}
        {%- endif -%}
      {%- endfor -%}
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "http://schema.org",
  "@type": "BreadcrumbList",
  "itemListElement": [
      "@type": "ListItem",
      "position": 1,
      "name": "Accueil",
      "item": "{{ shop.url }}"
    {%- if template contains 'collection' -%}
        "@type": "ListItem",
        "position": 2,
        "name": "{{ bc1_list_title }}",
        "item": "{{ shop.url }}/{{ bc1_list_handle }}"
        "@type": "ListItem",
        "position": 3,
        "name": "{{ bc2_list_title }}",
        "item": "{{ shop.url }}/{{ bc2_list_handle }}"
        "@type": "ListItem",
        "position": 4,
        "name": "{{ bc3_list_title }}",
        "item": "{{ shop.url }}/{{ bc3_list_handle }}"
    {%- elsif template == 'product' -%}
        "@type": "ListItem",
        "position": 2,
        "name": "{{ product.title }}",
        "item": "{{ product.url }}"
	{%- else -%}	  
	  "@type": "ListItem",
	  "position": 2,
	  "name": "{{ page.title }}",
	  "item": "{{ shop.url }}{{ request.path }}"
    {%- endif -%}

If you have any simpler solution I would be glad to read it as well 😅


Many thanks for your help 

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