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Error updating product images from Magento

Error updating product images from Magento

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We are using a third party platform who have a custom app using Shopify REST API. They receive product metadata from Magento, and pushes it to Shopify via: https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-rest/2024-07/resources/product


For some products we are getting an error like below:



Error updating product 002335-V01: {"errors":{"base":["Image https:\/\/www.henryandpaul.com.au\/pub\/media\/catalog\/product\/m\/a\/martell_xo_700ml_cropped_1_.png failed to download. - file not found. Check that file can be found at your URL."],"key":["must be unique within this namespace on this resource"]}}. Status code: 422




We've checked and the images fall within Shopify's guidelines. We've also tried hardcoding the image into our third party vendor's platform instead of using the Magento URL, and Shopify seems to accept that.


Is there a reason why Shopify would be finding an error with the Magento URL?

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