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'Invalid Value' Error when Setting Status to "ACTIVE" in New Product Creation via API

'Invalid Value' Error when Setting Status to "ACTIVE" in New Product Creation via API

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

I am working on a feature to create new products in a Shopify environment using GraphQL. While trying to create a product using a mutation, I encountered an unexpected error related to the 'status' field. Even though I've verified that "ACTIVE" is a valid enum value, I'm still receiving an error. 

When I run the following GraphQL mutation:

mutation {
  productCreate(input: {
    title: "DRAWER HUTCH TOWER",
    status: "ACTIVE",
    // ... other options

I get this error:

    "errors": [
            "message": "Argument 'status' on InputObject 'ProductInput' has an invalid value (\"ACTIVE\"). Expected type 'ProductStatus'.",
            // ...


To make sure "ACTIVE" is indeed a valid value, I queried the ProductStatus enum:



  __type(name: "ProductStatus") {
    enumValues {

And received:

    "data": {
        "__type": {
            "enumValues": [
                {"name": "ACTIVE"},
                {"name": "ARCHIVED"},
                {"name": "DRAFT"}
    // ...

This clearly shows that "ACTIVE" is a valid value, so why am I getting this error?


Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
21 3 4

You probably need to update your URL to explicitly include an API version, see this post for more details: https://community.shopify.com/c/graphql-basics-and/passing-an-enum-in-graphql-variable/m-p/1134872/h...

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

I still get the same error event using explicit version, this is the link I have used



Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Did you found a solution for this issue?
I have the same problem with GraphQL mutation: I can't change the product status ACTIVE/ARCHIVED.
(Error: Expected type 'ProductStatus'.)

If you found the solution, please write!

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

I have found the solution:
This is the correct syntax:     ... , status: ACTIVE }
instead of this:            ...  , status: "ACTIVE" }

Thanks to: shopify-graphiql-app !