Focusing on managing products, variants, and collections through the API.
I am trying to filter products that DO NOT have a product_type set (empty) and that has a specific tag. Example query:
{ products(first: 10, query: "tag:testing_this_out AND NOT product_type:*") { edges { node { title productType tags } } } }
That query does not return valid products.
Other attempts, testing with two products, one that SHOULD show up, and another product that should NOT show up.
tag:testing_this_out AND NOT product_type:*
tag:testing_this_out AND product_type:''
So at this point I am not sure how to do this...
Can someone from Shopify confirm if bug or feature?
I am also looking for a solution to this for hours, nothing worked yet.
I was able to filter on my shop like this