Focusing on managing products, variants, and collections through the API.
Hi everyone,
I'm encountering an issue with the ProductSet mutation in Shopify's 2024-07 API when trying to create products that include associated media files uploaded via the fileCreate mutation. The problem only occurs when I try to create three or more similar products with minimal attributes.
{ "input": { "mediaIds": ["gid://shopify/MediaImage/26260547272792"], "title": "gio", "status": "DRAFT", "variants": [{ "optionValues": [{ "optionName": "Title", "name": "Default Title" }], "price": 0 }] } }
When submitting three or more similar products, some succeed while others fail with the error:
{ "userErrors": [ { "field": ["input"], "message": "Something went wrong, please try again." } ] }
Any help would be appreciated!