Focusing on managing products, variants, and collections through the API.
1) I've registered the shopify
2) I've created the development store
3) Development store has 17 products
4) I'm trying to get all products with API. and document says that i need to make request and response header will provide previous and next request link for the paging
If user want to visit 5th page, it has click 5 times to the "next button"
Have shopify a real paging something with limit and limit start? It's not a good idea to say "hey you have to click 5 times to next button for visiting 5th page" to the users
* how can i solve this fundamental issue? is there any real paging with shopify api?
* is there any real reason that shopify makes pagination so weird ? i mean something like "shopify servers can not handle it" etc
thanks for the all comments
Hi Lknls,
Just to confirm - you'd like to be able to specify that you want to navigate to a specific page rather than having to traverse through the individual pages?
Liam | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
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Hello Liam
Lets assume the following things
* i've 5000 products
* 2000 of the products is in the "Shoes" collection
* 1500 of them has minimum 500$ prices
I want to fetch those 1500 shoes with rest API (or any API) with paging. I want to fetch 50 products per request
Thanks for the reply